While controversies cannot be associated with Telegram and its CEO, Pavel Durov, his recent arrest in France was quite unexpected. Pavel Durov, who was arrested a short while ago in France, has recently been bailed out and is now out of jail with an unpredictable future. However, what has happened until now and what are the further steps in the life of the creator of one of the most used communication platforms globally?
The Arrest and Charges
Pavel Durov, who is the mastermind behind Telegram was arrested last week and was to be probed for some really serious offenses. The authorities in France had reason to believe that they had all sorts of criminal activity associated with Telegram including trafficking and dealing in narcotics and other banned substances, money laundering and distribution of obscene content such as child sex abuse images.
The Paris prosecutor, Laure Beccuau, said there was enough evidence to bring charges against Durov as is and open the formal investigation of all the charges that got him in trouble in the first place.
The Bail Conditions
It was not a smooth sailing for Durov to be set free from prison. The French court decided to impose a 5 million euro bail on him! But that’s not all. Durov must visit the police twice a week and cannot travel abroad to any country in the world or even within the territory of France.
What Does a Formal Investigation Entail?
Of course, one should know that despite the fact that the case has been accepted for preliminary investigation, it does not mean that Durov is guilty. It’s similar to a detective novel – the judge thinks there are sufficient reasons to continue turning the pages, but it doesn’t end with Durov in prison. It is as simple as meaning that there are still things to probe, and the French authorities would want to get to the bottom of everything.
That all started in February this year when the National Office for Minors in France investigated the involvement of Telegram in some or some other wrong doings. By July an initial charge was presented and now with Durov’s arrest in an airport near Paris it has intensified. Beccuau also pointed out that other partners from the EU have also seen that Telegram does not respond to judicial requests. Everyone was patiently waiting for Telegram to confirm their presence at a party but that invite remained unopened.
Telegram’s Response
In light of all that has been said about it, Telegram remains less vocal about Durov’s arrest than you might expect. On Monday, the company released a statement that it complies with laws in the European Union and its moderation policies are “industry-standard and continuously evolving.”
Durov appears not to be bothered by the accusations. The messaging app said it would be illogical to point an accusing finger at a platform or its owner for wrongs perpetrated by users. It’s like arguing that the builder of a highway is to blame because some people choose to drive fast – that’s what they have to say.
What’s Next for Pavel Durov?
For now, he is remaining in France, visiting the police twice weekly and monitoring the current investigation process. It remains uncertain whether or not Durov will face more challenges or succeed in proving his innocence.