According to recent reports, Telegram Founder has again warned users to avoid using Whatsapp. He further added that Whatsapp revealed its security issue last week therefore it is not safe to use. Read the entire article to learn more about this news piece.
Statements were given by Telegram Founder
“All a hacker had to do to control your phone was send you a malicious video or start a video call with you on WhatsApp,” he warned users. “A WhatsApp security issue exactly like this one was discovered in 2018, then another in 2019, and yet another one in 2020 (tap each year’s link to see the corresponding vulnerability). And yes, in 2017 before that. Prior to 2016, WhatsApp didn’t have encryption at all,” said Durov who has slammed WhatsApp several times in the past.
“With over 700 million active users and more than 2 million daily signups, Telegram doesn’t need additional promotion. You can use any messaging app you like, but do stay away from WhatsApp — it has now been a surveillance tool for 13 years,” Durov claimed
About Telegram
For people who do not know much about Telegram, it is an instant messaging app just like Whatsapp. Because of its excellent privacy settings, it is one of the safest apps to use for chatting or for work. Your messages cant be read by anyone except the receiver of the texts or videos or whatever content you share. It is extremely fast, so you can do whatever you want to without any hassle. On top of that, it is free of cost so you don’t have to do anything except installing the app if you wish to use it. If you’re someone who is very creative and likes to have your own space even in the digital space, that represents you, then Telegram has the perfect features for that. Telegram lets people customize their app by giving them options to choose from different wallpapers, themes, etc.
About Whatsapp
Whatsapp is an app that every third person uses to keep in touch with work, family, and friends. You can do voice calls and video calls using the app. It initially started out as an alternative to SMS. It is now widely used by the majority of people to keep in touch with the different people in their lives. The aim of the app is to connect people from all across the world without any hassle.