Recently, we saw Netflix reach a point that was the lowest in the past ten years. With the loss of about 200,000 subscribers, the streaming giant also saw its shares dipping an unimagined low. All this while, people in Hollywood considered jobs at Netflix immensely desirable in the industry. Moreover, it came forward as an extremely popular brand, known to pay well and provide chances to people at Hollywood.
However, the employees of the esteemed brand faced a blow following the record low it hit in its share price, accompanied by its poor financial products. Netflix employees witnessed an attack on their confidence in the streaming leader’s long-term trajectory. Additionally, the company eradicated the value of the options many of the employees had all this while.
Currently, many are looking to leave the company at this point as compared to the past, specified former and present employees. In fact, the present ones even asked the leadership to issue new stock grants to make them whole for the losses recently. Netflix considers its culture as the cause of its success, co-founder Reed Hasting circulated a deck outlining the culture of freedom responsibility, writing an entire book. – “No Rules, Rules”. All this while, Hastings and other leaders have fought on how to keep the culture while scaling the streaming company. At the end of 2013, Netflix had about 2,000 employees, growing to over 11,000 in 2021 end.
How will the problem be tacked?
With its current cost-cutting mode, the challenge would only get harder for Netflix. The leaders would face added pressure to deliver, with keeping less place for the subordinates to make any mistakes. The company stated that they would cut down on hiring people, as compared to before. Moreover, they would also make sure to scrutinise its expenditure.
Reportedly, they are already revamping teams in its engineering sector to create levels, many employees viewing this as a means to cut costs. Netflix has rather been a flat organisation till now with leaders on top and team members on the same level. Netflix framed this change in a way to show that they are doing it to aid people’s career developments. Though there is no way to know their true agenda, it is clear that with Netflix’s current large size, they will be in need of a ‘junior-tier.’
Currently, the streaming leader still offers workers the chance to make money at its grand network. Though it is the biggest TV network, it is looking like just any other company due their current focus on cost management.