Although it’s safe to assume that few Pornhub users are looking for hour-long calculus films (with a fully clothed instructor), Changhsu, a Taiwanese math teacher, uploads them regardless.
He has over 200 chalkboard tutorials on topics like differential equations on his YouTube channel (link NSFW). Because the 34-year-old math tutor found the market for math explainers on YouTube to be crowded, he decided to branch out into Pornhub (link NSFW).
He told Mel Magazine that he’d like to tap into a new market of math students.
“Since very few people teach math on adult video platforms, and since there are so many people who watch videos on them, I thought that if I uploaded my videos there, a lot of people would see them.”
Changhsu’s strategy for gaining acclaim has so far been successful. On Pornhub, he has 1.6 million video views and claims that it drives traffic to his more profitable online course. “Many students who need a math teacher learn about me on Pornhub, and some of them purchase my course,” he explains.
Mel Magaine reports that his online course generates a total of $7,500,000 New Taiwan dollars (about $250,000 US) per year, which he uses to pay his bills and pay a good wage to his staff who assist him in teaching on his numerous platforms.
Changhsu and his lessons have mostly been embraced by the Pornhub community. He’s not only a verified Pornhub user, but the comments on his videos are mostly kind and encouraging. “Thanks, I needed this for my math finals,” a user named Hanimechann, for example, comments. “This guy will do anything to reach his students!” comments another user, RobertsHoles.

Changhsu’s Pornhub profile even contains some personal information, such as his height (5-7″), likes and hobbies (roughly translated as “interesting stuff”), and turnoffs (channel deleted by Pornhub).
Source: MelMagazine