For those who are not aware, Michelin Stars are the most prestigious awards restaurants can get. They are given to restaurants that are considered to be the best. And this information is important because they treat food critics and reviewers with the utmost priority because they have an image to maintain.
In this video that went viral, the Tiktoker acts like a food critic at a Michelin-star restaurant and spoiler alert!!! it worked.
He starts the video by saying, “I’ve got a notebook, and I’m gonna go to a fancy restaurant, act like a food critic. Let’s see if they treat me any differently.”
The guy booked a lunch reservation at a Michelin-star restaurant in Hong Kong.
He began the meal keeping it low-key while trying the first few items. He then says that “After taking some pictures and giving it a few minutes, I whipped out the notebook pretty early on the wait.”
Now, this was the turning point. He said, “the staff took note, and they stopped at my table and asked me my thoughts, but I kept my cool.”
The guy then started noticing that the waiters were chatting back and forth, and there was a big shift.
Soon after, the manager came up to his table and gave him his card with his personal cell phone number. He also told him to give the manager a call whenever he needs a reservation.
He then says, “Here’s a little bit of mid-mission commentary. Ever since I took out my notebook, they seemed to be watching me like hawks. But you know, I’m not gonna let that stop me.”
But then again, something special happened. He says, “I only ordered those first two courses that I showed, so I thought my meal should have been over already. But boy, was I wrong. They brought this platter out, gave me some Italian cookies, and offered me drinks too.”
A day later, the guy also got a personal e-mail from the manager. I called this a successful mission.
Watch the video here:
@slavinjoshua Acting like a FOOD CRITIC at a Michelin Star Restaurant. Do with this information what you may… 🤫 #lifehack #foodtiktok #hongkong #travel #hack
The viewers were also stoked about this, and one of them commented, “It’s crazy how a notebook could change your whole experience.”
Another wrote, “My man wrote ‘yummy in my tummy’ and got upgraded to restaurant first class, genius!”
What are your thoughts as TikToker acts like a food critic and has a successful mission? Let us know in the comment below. And, if you found our content informative, share it with your family and friends.
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