Cryptocurrency and electronic money can be paid off far from everywhere. For example, you have bitcoins or money on a QIWI wallet, and you need to pay for purchases in the store, or you simply selected to buy cryptocurrency, in such cases, to exchange electronic funds for fiat (i.e. real), you can apply the services of an exchanger.
A cryptocurrency exchanger is an online service for exchanging cryptocurrencies, electronic and fiat money.
This is the fastest and most reliable way to withdraw cryptocurrencies. Now there are a lot of similar services offering their services, among which you can easily get lost. Therefore, especially for you, we have compiled a rating of the best cryptocurrency exchangers of 2021, they all have a reputation as the most reliable and profitable where you can convert trx to btc.
How to exchange cryptocurrency through an online exchanger
The exchange process on all services is approximately the same. Registration is optional, but for all registered customers, exchangers, as a rule, offer a loyalty program.
The execution time of the application depends on the type of processing of the exchanger’s application, which is manual, semi-automatic, and automatic.
Automatic ones are processed by a computer, orders are executed instantly. Manual ones take a little longer because operators carry out operations with their hands, the waiting time does not exceed 20 minutes.
Cryptocurrency exchangers and exchanges: what’s the difference?
Another option for exchanging cryptocurrencies is exchanges, the main difference of which is a wider functionality.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are designed for full-fledged trading, they support a huge number of coins. Hereabouts you can purchase and trade cryptocurrency, invest it, just store it and make money on the difference in the trade rate. But registration, exchange, and withdrawal on exchanges are much more difficult, on many policies verification is a prerequisite. Another significant drawback of the exchange, compared to exchangers, is the waiting time.
As for the commissions for the exchange, then crypto-exchanges are inferior to exchanges, where the percentage is much more economical.
The advantages of the exchanger:
- Transaction speed.
- Simple and intuitive website interface.
- No mandatory registration and verification.
- Only the most popular cryptocurrencies can be exchanged.
- The commission is higher than on the exchange.
Min. amount to exchange 0.006 BTCÂ
Lead time 5-15 minutes
Cumulative system of discounts
Min. amount to exchange 0.0006 BTCÂ
Lead time 10-15 minutes
Built-in online wallets to securely store user funds
Min. amount to exchange 0.002 BTCÂ
Lead time 5-15 minutes
bonus program
Min. amount to exchange 0.005 BTCÂ
Lead time 5-15 minutes
Discount system
Min. amount to exchange 0.01 BTCÂ
Execution time of the application is not more than 5 minutes
bonus program
How to choose a reliable exchange service
If you opt for an exchanger from our rating of TOP-20 reliable crypto exchangers in 2021, then you can rest assured that the exchange will take place without problems. But what if, by some criteria, none of them suited you? In this case, you can use a special service for monitoring exchange offices, the most popular of which is BestChange.
There are just a huge number of exchangers collected here. In order to find a suitable one, you should pay attention to several main indicators:
- Exchange rate;
- Exchange office reserve;
- Testimonials.
BestChange monitoring can significantly narrow your exchange site options to a minimum.