In the recent past, humanity has given itself one of the most wonderful gifts in its history. It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about the Internet. Since its inception, we have already gone through two waves of digital technology development – Web 1 and Web 2, and today we are on the threshold of the third, perhaps the most significant Internet era. Ideologists of the digital world say that the future of the Internet will be determined by time and circumstances. Therefore, no one will give an accurate forecast of when the internet epochs will change and after how long humanity will replace modern Web 2 technology with future Web 3 technology. It is only clear that the movement in this direction cannot be stopped.
Proof of this is the confident weaving into our lives of some tools, services, platforms, technologies of the future Web 3 digital era. One of the first signs of the future was blockchain technology. There are several blockchains, they are created by various platforms and you can interact with them. Using the RPC Fast protocol, our service provides users with just such an opportunity – to interact with blockchain networks.
Internet centralization is a brake on progress
In the modern digital world, everything that a person does on the Internet does not belong to him. It’s amazing, but more than 90% of the world’s digital information is stored by just four providers. In other words, the world is ruled by Internet platforms that compete with each other for the attention of users. With such a high degree of centralization, it was the blockchain technology that became interesting and attractive, as it allows absolutely everything to be decentralized. That is, any data can be stored in blockchains, as in a kind of containers. They can be exchanged, but not through any intermediaries or providers, but openly and decentralized. The big advantage with this method of storing and exchanging data is the absence of censorship, which allows you to manage information at your discretion.
Today, many users do not understand how it is possible to draw up / make various trades, contracts or transactions without the participation of an intermediary or any governing body. In fact, blockchain technology allows us to do this by creating blocks with information about the transaction being made. The algorithm for creating such a block is the so-called consensus. Precisely consensus, and not a mediator and not a governing body. There are different types of the consensuses and the mechanisms of their action are determined by the rules of the network within which they operate.
Decentralized innovations
Speaking about the fact that, thanks to blockchain technology, data exchange is carried out in a decentralized way, one cannot ignore another mandatory component of decentralization – decentralized applications (DApps). It is DApps, being protected from external interference, that provide openness and transparency of actions and can be used to achieve any goal.
The DApp mechanism provides for the constant need for information from the blockchain. Such information may relate to transaction actions, data for individual blocks, or for the entire block chain as a whole. In other words, the DApp may need any information related to user requests. In such cases, distributed nodes come to the rescue, which can be launched either independently or with the help of appropriate services. In turn, the hosts invoke the remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. With this protocol, any DApp that can be considered as a client will easily interact with the blockchain in order to obtain the necessary information.
Since, according to the RPC protocol, the “call – data” chain implies the presence of an RPC client and an RPC end node with the requested data, the DApp can be considered as a client, and the data server as an RPC end node. In this case, the methods by which the call is made from the client become important. And these methods are governed by the standard JSON-RPC specification. Methods for obtaining data can be varied, but they all fall into three groups: state and historical methods and gossip methods. So, the scheme for getting data from the blockchain is as follows: DApp, as a client, uses JSON-RPC as a method, and calls the server, as an RPC end node. The server will return the DApp data for further processing and use.