Forspoken, a highly anticipated action-adventure game, was recently released for PC to much disappointment. Many players have reported poor performance and optimization issues, even on high-end hardware such as the RTX 3080 and 3080 Ti. This can make for a frustrating gaming experience and may leave players wondering what the best graphics settings are for their specific setup.
Recommended Resolution:
The first thing to consider when trying to improve performance in Forspoken is the resolution at which you are playing the game. While playing at a higher resolution such as 4K may look better, it will also put more strain on your GPU and can lead to decreased performance. Lowering the resolution to 1440p or even 1080p can help to improve performance and make the game more playable.
Recommended Anti-Aliasing:
Another important setting to consider is anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is used to smooth out jagged edges in the game and can have a significant impact on performance. Forspoken offers several anti-aliasing options, including FXAA, TAA, and MSAA. The most performance-friendly option is Temporal-AA(TAA), which provides decent edge smoothing while using less GPU resources than the other options. However, if you prefer a higher level of anti-aliasing, you can try FXAA or MSAA, but be prepared to sacrifice some performance.
Recommended Shadows:
Shadow quality is also a key setting to consider when trying to improve performance in Forspoken. Shadows can have a significant impact on performance, especially when playing at higher resolutions. Setting the Shadow Quality to Standard seems like the golden ratio in forespoken and can help to improve performance.
Recommended Texture settings:
Another setting to consider is the texture quality. Textures are the images that make up the game world and can have a big impact on performance. Lowering the texture quality can help to improve performance, it’s best to set textures and texture memory to standard in both graphics cards.
Other Useful recommendations:
Lastly, you can consider turning off some of the more demanding post-processing effects such as reflections, motion blur, and V-Sync. These effects can have a big impact on performance and turning them off can help to improve performance.
In conclusion, Forspoken’s release for PC has been met with negative feedback from players due to poor optimization and performance issues. If you are experiencing these issues, it is important to consider the resolution, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, texture quality, and post-processing effects as these settings can have a big impact on performance. It may take some experimentation to find the right balance between performance and visuals, but with some tweaking, you should be able to find a configuration that works well for your specific setup.