Wizcounsel has now secured INR 1 crore in the angel funding round led by the Kapil Dev, the Former Indian Cricket Team Capitan, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Chairman and Founder, SARC Associates and Manas Fuloria, CEO and Founder Nagarro.
The funds will be going to be used for the purpose of sales, marketing, and to strengthen its current operations.
Ranu Gupta, Founder & CEO, WizCounsel said in a statement, “People still look for professional services the way they used to 15 years back and Professionals develop a business the same way. This is a perfect “that’s how it has always been an opportunity”. It is a big industry that is outdated and badly in need of improvement for speed, convenience, affordability, and quality.”
WizCounsel is an online market network that helps people and small businesses hire and manage freelance legal, accounting and tax experts according to your budget and needs. The platform functions as a marketplace and a SAAS to help people hire the experts and get work done seamlessly using inbuilt work management framework.
“It is going to be all about the Internet. People are already using it to order food, to book doctors, etc. and I am sure they will start looking for services from CAs and Lawyers or even Accountants online. Many directories exist, but the thing is there must be a platform to give them much more confident about how they deal with experts for their work,” said Kapil Dev.
Manas Fuloria, Founder & CEO, Nagarro said in a statement, “Individuals or small companies seeking legal, tax or accounting help are automatically on the back foot because of “information asymmetry”. They typically do not know what exact services to ask for, how much to pay, how to monitor timelines and effort, and how to evaluate the quality of decisions. WizCounsel aims to even this asymmetry by giving the client more control over the search, service and payment journey.”
Source: WizCounsel