As a school graduate who plans to enroll in a college, you have to prepare a lot of documents for the application package. There will be personal data, results of the necessary tests, recommendations, and admission essays. The essay topics depend on the specific school, but they all have a common purpose. It is to let the admission board get familiar with the candidate and prove they match the school’s standards and requirements.
This is the cause of many problems that future college students face. Colleges and universities offer their own prompts for admission essays. Also, they allow students to choose their own ideas for college essays. You can write about anything to express yourself and your point of view. Still, you should keep in mind that your admission essay must work for the primary goal that is to convince the board that you are the best candidate.
Most suitable and interesting college essay topics for applicants
As we already know, admission essays are the most valuable information sources for the admission committee. As modern life dictates, the focus of higher education is on raising the personality. Good grades, sports medals, and volunteering aren’t enough because many other applicants show such achievements. The role of the admission essay is to reveal your most significant personal treats ensuring that you’ll be able to succeed in this school.
Every college admission essay topic focuses on particular personal qualities. Understanding it is the key to appropriate exposure of your strengths. The leading colleges and universities help the applicants by sharing the admission essay prompts. This way, they define which information they want to obtain from the applicants. And you can explore that prompt to do yourself justice.
If you apply through the Common Application, which is the primary platform for college admission, it has already presented the essay prompts. There are six predefined ideas for college essays, and the seventh one is the “wildcard” – you can refer to the college essay topics on different resources and choose any.
According to this, we have compiled our current list of prompts. Here we want to cover the predefined prompts that are the most traditional choices for applicants and offer some other original suggestions that might appeal to you. You may also refer to the essay writing service portal for topic suggestions. The has an exceptional list of such suggestions with writing tips. So, you can quickly find great inspiring ideas for college essays.
Common App prompts:
- Share the story revealing their backgrounds, identities, personal interests, or talents. It focuses on the value of those features for the application. Tip: the student should highlight the relevant qualities for the particular school’s specificity.
- Tell a story dedicated to facing challenges and overcoming failures. Tip: this story must prove that you can learn from failures, make valuable conclusions, and improve yourself.
- Tell if you questioned some belief in the past. Talk about the grounds for that questioning and its outcomes. Tip: you demonstrate your open mind and prove that your convictions could alter because of logical reasons.
- Tell a story of gratitude for some surprising present or help from another person. Describe how that motivated you or changed your points of view. Tip: the approach is similar to the previous prompts, but with more focus on the ethical side. You present yourself as an open-minded and compassionate person.
- Reveal some event or achievement that made you grow personally and understand yourself and other people better. Tip: you should compose a story that focuses on specific merits you possess, without too much self-praising, but showing your best abilities in interaction with other people.
- Tell about your favorite topics and ideas that make you lose the track of time. Explain what attracts you to those concepts and what you do when you want to know more about them. Tip: this college admission essay topic is the most direct of all – you describe in the essay how you can learn independently, set priorities, and know where to find the information yourself.
Freeform college essay topics
- Refer to your favorite character of a book or movie in the situation of making a difficult choice. Explain how you’d accept or reject that choice and why. Tip: this topic can reveal your ethical values, which are essential for colleges and universities.
- Tell about your life goals. This is a very popular college admission essay topic, and the difficulty is making it original. Tip: go beyond the traditional goals of building an excellent career and having a nice family. Be more specific and talk about some personal goals you want to achieve and why they are so important for you.
- Choose a quote that you can consider your personal motto. Explain why you feel connected to it. Tip: originality is the most essential factor here, so, consider less obvious statements that sound fresh and help you demonstrate your individuality.
- Tell about your attitude towards taking a risk or staying safe, with examples from your experience. Refer to a specific case you faced in your life. Tip: expose your reasons for making this or that choice and relate them to the outcomes of that case. That decision might be right or wrong, but the goal is to demonstrate how it influenced you as a person further.
- Tell how your favorite extracurricular activity impacts your life. It might be sport, amateur theater, music, art, or anything else. Tip: use specific examples from your life to illustrate why that activity was so important for you. As all schools want to know about their potential students’ interests and hobbies, it is an excellent opportunity to do yourself justice as an all-around personality.
- Imagine that you’d become a teacher yourself. Which class would you choose to teach the students? Tip: this prompt gives you a lot of opportunities to be thoughtful or humorous. No matter which approaches you’d choose, prove that you are an expert in that subject, that you can already teach it, and get a decent result.
- Tell about the things that make you angry and how you cope with them. Tip: you apply different styles for this essay, but avoid banality. Again, use examples from your past to illustrate your claims. The goal is to stress your ability to overcome any psychological difficulty, tolerate things, or find ways out of complications.
- Describe your most personal and meaningful accomplishment that does not relate to your academic studies. Tip: this essay prompt allows you to tell about the contribution you can make to university life. It also describes your personality, ambitions, and moral grounds.
- Explain why you want to become a student of this particular college or university. This essay prompt is one of the safe choices, but it is helpful. All universities want to be sure that the new students can succeed and bring more fame to their brands. Thus, students should understand why they want to enroll here, and know what to do. The key tip is being very specific. You should name the scientists whom you’d like to work under, the programs you’d want to participate in and prove that you have the required abilities for that.
No matter which topic you’ll choose, the essay must present your personality with its strong points. So, get prepared well and always ask yourself – how this or that phrase works in my favor. Many students turn to the “help me with my assignment” services to be sure of getting quality support with application essays. For instance, such a service as assists with writing admission essays, and you can always refer to it for consultations and writing aid.
Author Bio:
Rebecca Carter works as a content writer for a company providing expert essay writing services. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and a passion for writing articles about her life experiences. When Rebecca has spare time, she loves to help animals´ shelters and attends cooking courses.