Following his termination from the company, Yash Agarwal made a viral tweet. After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, the firm declared that layoffs were forthcoming, with 7,500 workers. Almost half of the staff are likely to lose their employment.
Many workers have begun to receive emails announcing their termination from Twitter. Among them was Yash Agarwal. Social media users have praised his response to being fired from Elon Musk’s Twitter.
Yash Agrawal, who appeared to be happy, said on Twitter that he had been laid off and that it had been the “greatest privilege” to work for the company. Many people expressed their admiration for Agrawal on social media because of his optimism.
Yash Agrawal tweeted, “Just got laid off. Bird App, it was an absolute honour, the greatest privilege ever to be a part of this team, this culture.”
Twitter begins letting go of employees in India
As part of a global job cut implemented by Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk to achieve economies of scale and complete the $44 billion acquisition, the social media platform has begun terminating staff in India.
Last week, Elon Musk started his tenure at Twitter by letting go of the company’s CEO, Parag Agrawal, as well as the CFO and a few other key employees.Â
According to posts from employees on Friday, the content moderation staff of the firm is expected to be a target of the cuts. However, musk has pledged to protect free expression from turning into a “hellscape” while reviving it.
Apart from this, it has been reported that everyone receives their termination letter individually. After Elon Musk owned one of the biggest social media platforms, various activities happened in the firm.
It still needs to be made clear whom he will consider to make his team and revamp Twitter. Although a few days back, he had a virtual meeting with three leaders and concluded some points for rebuilding the social media platform.