Welding is a growth industry. In 2020, the global welding market size was $20 billion. It witnessed positive demand during the COVID-19 crisis and is projected to grow to $28 billion by 2028. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects steady growth in welding and metalworking careers over the next decade. There are many good reasons to enter the field of welding.

1. The Large Demand for Welders
Welders with a good work ethic will probably not lack opportunities. As mentioned, the welding field is projected to grow, so the demand for welders will naturally grow with it. Considering the sheer volume of welding scenarios that exist because of the metal components on various structures, welding is a skill needed throughout the world, on projects involving:
- Bridges
- Buildings
- Pipelines
- Power plants
- Refineries
- Automobiles
- Ships
2. The Need for Repair Work in Welding
There is often a need for welders to update, rework or improve parts so that they work as well or better than before. Often structural weaknesses must be corrected and reinforced for performance and safety reasons. About 18% of welders are involved in this type of maintenance and repair work, which possibly represents the biggest group of any industry grouping.
3. It Pays Well
A career in welding offers good, steady money and upskilling can offer new opportunities for advancement and more money. Whether you’re using 1st choice power tools that are brand new or well-used, you could be earning between $30,000-$40,000 per year on average. Specialized welding, such as underwater welding can net you closer to $300,000 per year.
4. You Can Travel for Business
Welding can take you places, literally. The similarities in welding jobs do not end at America’s borders. Not only are welding processes similar around the planet, but there is a demand for skilled welders in many countries. Further, you’d learn about different cultures and about how business is done in other parts of the world. and you’d gain valuable experience to bring back home.
Many organizations’ services extend beyond America’s borders and welders with living situation flexibility are most certainly sought for overseas work. For welders looking on their own, they would necessarily want to boast more experience than local welders with similar skills.
5. The Industry Is Diverse
From tack welders to pipe welders, there is huge diversity in the welding field. To learn the basics of welding is to have a foundation upon which to add new skills and dimensions with relative ease. Even working within one organization could lead to learning new types of welding jobs. Among the many types of welder jobs available are:
- Structural steel welders
- Rig welders
- Manufacturing welders
- Construction welders
- Industrial maintenance welders
- Industrial shutdown welders
The dynamic field of welding is only going to expand, leading to lots of new opportunities. If you’re thinking about a career in welding, look into local welder training programs. You’ll learn how to create and manipulate metal objects and about reconditioning services as you embark on shaping your future.