According to the French news bulletin Allocine (via Eurogamer), we’re getting a Plague Tale: Innocence Tv Series. The Plague Tale TV series is officially in development and will be based on the popular adventure game series. According to French film site AlloCine, A Plague Tale will be produced in France by Merlin Productions and directed by Mathieu Turi, who was an assistant director at Inglourious Basterds and has since directed moderately successful horror films such as Rival. It has now been announced that A Plague Tale will be getting the Hollywood treatment with a new show filmed and set in his native France.

Apart from the French director Mathieu Turi, little is known about the series yet. Although neither the filming schedule nor the casting has yet been revealed, French director Mathieu Toury has announced his participation in the series. While there are no preview screenings or filming schedules yet, a French TV adaptation has been confirmed. The decision to keep the series hailing from France is likely to draw praise from fans. I’m sure someone would have adjusted to the criticism, but I also think the decision to make a native series in France is a good decision.
The interest of American production studios in adapting the series was ignored in order for the series to be closer to Seth and the original Bordeaux game developer Asobo. They wanted the A Plague Tale series to be closer to its setting and to game developer Asobo, who lives in medieval Bordeaux, France.

Developer Asobo Studio and publisher Focus Home Interactive also appear to be partnering with French media group Mediawan for the first time to fit in perfectly. French studio Merlin Productions will take over production of the TV show A Plague Tale with studio head Fabrice Renaud, who said in a statement that Bordeaux-based studio Asobo had chosen to work with the French company. According to French publication Allocine, the adaptation of A Plague Tale will be directed by French director Mathieu Turi (who directed 2017’s “Hostile” and 2020’s “Snake”), Merlin Productions, and game publisher Focus Entertainment are in charge of production.
At the moment, it is not known when the TV adaptation will be released, but you do not have to wait many years. A Plague Tale is a great game for those who haven’t played it, with reviews from critics and the community generally praising the story, tone, and simple game mechanics to keep players focused on Amicia and Hugo.
The game tells the story of Amicia and Hugo in 14th century France. The game follows the two siblings in 14th-century France, devastated by the Black Death and the unnatural horde of rats carrying it. Brothers Amicia and Hugo are forced to survive in an area full of plaque-causing rats. Follow the sad story of young Amicia and her younger brother Hugo on a harrowing journey through history’s darkest hours.
After an Inquisition raid on their home, young Amicia and her brother are forced to flee through the war-torn, plague-ridden, and rat-infested countryside of 14th-century France. The sequel will continue the story of Amicia, who works to protect her younger brother Hugo from the many dangers of the plague in France.