Recently, the Adani Group shocked the entire telecom and communications sector and its players in the country by putting in the official papers to join the highly competitive race of having the rights to the 5G spectrum. However, it was unclear if the conglomerate would be entering the industry and providing call, SMS, and other communication services or if they will be using it privately for their own network and for their private communication.
5G, which is the 5th generation of breakthrough innovation in the world of instant communication. The technology was introduced 3 years ago in 2019 and is set to have close to 2 billion users by 2025. Even though 5G is a relatively new concept, India is still lagging behind in terms of its development and penetration into the economy. Currently, China and the United States of America lead the race in terms of how much they have scaled up 5G with other countries like The Philippines, South Korea, Canada, and Spain all vying that third place.
India, even though still has not brought about this feature yet, but Nokia has said that there will be almost 400 million users of 5G by 2026. They went on to say that 5G possess the potential to expand business like never before and introduce new revenue streams. Therefore, it is very much needed that the country introduces them as soon as possible. It is no longer a luxury, but something that is very much required for a country to grow and develop.
In a statement released to the public by Adani Group, it states that, as the country is looking to bring and scale up the technology of 5G as soon as possible with the help of the upcoming auction, the conglomerate is also one of the applicants to take part in it and are currently formulating a strong starting bid.
They went on to say that if the group is successful in outbidding every other applicant, they will first use it to create their own private network. They will also use it for the airports that they run to improve communication, security, and efficiency in aspects like logistics.
They will also use it digitally and improve their super apps, which are consolidated applications and platforms that have a whole host of services that the conglomerate has to offer.
It looks like 5G is here to disrupt and revamp the way we communicate and it will be soon that the people of India get their hands on it.