Apple is here with a shield for its users. On Wednesday, it unveiled the “Lockdown Mode” which will block government spyware. iPhone users around the world have been targets of such privacy invasions by spyware working in accordance with government instructions. Apple’s upcoming iOS 16 will have the “Lockdown Mode” and as ironic as it sounds, it might prove to be the key to all the spyware attacks that have been a cause of concern.
Time For Lockdown
For users who are more likely to be at the receiving end of government-grade spyware attacks like journalists, activists, and human rights defenders, this feature will be an “extreme optional protection.” Spyware attacks, particularly those on behalf of the government aren’t a new thing. In fact, iPhone users have been on the receiving end of repeated attacks over the past years.
Exploits built by spyware makers like NSO Group, Cytrox, etc., are capable of infiltrating a device’s security protections. This lets them easily plant the spyware for the clients they are working for. Although Apple makes sure to release security updates to counter or defend these attacks, it hasn’t always been completely successful. This explains the significance of the “Lockdown Mode” which might prove to be a better shield.
With the help of “Lockdown Mode,” those on the receiving end of targeted hacking can disable features that often become the loopholes through which the spyware gets through. For instance, the feature lets a user limit the code that runs in apps and websites. Users can also limit the most exploited areas by spyware makers like iMessage and FaceTime.
Another highlight of the feature is that it prevents iPhones from installing configuration profiles. Although these are instrumental in rolling out security protection across devices, they are also exploited by consumer-grade spyware. Lockdown mode also prevents hardware forensic tools from downloading data by blocking wired connections.
According to Apple, the new feature, “further hardens device defenses and strictly limits certain functionalities, sharply reducing the attack surface that potentially could be exploited by highly targeted mercenary spyware.”
The news about the new feature has got Twitter excited and it is well reflected in the number of responses and reactions. Let us flip through a few.
NEW: @Apple's #LockdownMode is radical reduction of the threat surface of an iPhone.
Cannot overstate how big a change this is for Apple.
So important that people at higher digital risk have the option to harden their phones.
Some thoughts 1/
— John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) July 6, 2022
Apple just announced Lockdown Mode for at-risk users! This includes a new category within the Security Bounty program for researchers who find Lockdown Mode bypasses. Bounties are doubled for qualifying findings, up to a maximum of $2,000,000.
— Runa Sandvik (@runasand) July 6, 2022
Important: Apple unveils new security "Lockdown Mode" that lets high-value hacking targets give up functionality and cut off the attack surface used by NSO Group and top spyware makers.
— Joseph Menn (@josephmenn) July 6, 2022
Here’s a look at the new “Lockdown Mode” in iOS 16 Beta 3
— Brandon Butch (@BrandonButch) July 6, 2022
New: Apple has announced Lockdown Mode for iOS 16, a new “extreme” security feature to block targeted attacks on high-profile individuals. Feature severely limits Messages, Safari, Apple Services, other features to reduce endpoints for hackers to attack with software like Pegasus
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) July 6, 2022
iOS 16 beta 3 is now live with Lockdown Mode
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) July 6, 2022
Now that is indeed some optimism
Apple’s new Lockdown Mode will offer ‘extreme’ security measures. You probably won’t use it.
— worldsfact4u (@worldsfact4u) July 7, 2022
Great to see big tech companies roll out features to protect at-risk people: Google announced the Advanced Protection Program in 2017. Meta announced Facebook Protect in 2018. Apple announced Lockdown Mode in 2022. Very curious about what we'll see next and from whom.
— Runa Sandvik (@runasand) July 6, 2022