An army specialist’s video where she speaks out about assault within the army has gone viral, piquing the attention of multitudes of users worldwide. In the TikTok, the army specialist stationed in Germany expresses her fear for her life as her superiors ignored the abuse against her and her fellow soldiers. Read along to know more.

The What and Why
The aforementioned video was posted on the 6th of October and the woman claims that she is Spc. Thomas, in the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, stationed in Germany. In the video which went viral, Thomas clearly states that she is terrified as she thinks the army is trying to kill her and that if she is found dead, it is not suicide. What adds to the fear and anxiety is the mysterious death of another soldier, Denisha Montgomery. If what Thomas says is true, the truth about Mongomery’s death was distorted to present the army in a positive light and to hide the truth about abuse. Thomas added that she has been sharing her worries with her family, just like Montgomery did before she died.
Denisha Montgomery was found dead in the month of August, and her death was ruled out as a suicide. As of now, her family is disputing the cause of her death. According to the statements from the Montgomery family, she had been in touch with them before her death, and she had told them about an assault by another officer. She even showed them the bruises on her body. Although the army stuck to the suicide narrative, Montgomery’s family is determined to collect all the necessary evidence to bring out the truth behind the mysterious death.
In the TikTok video, Thomas also mentioned that she couldn’t even sleep at night due to the anxiety that someone will come in and assault her. The key to her room has been missing, according to what she stated in the video. She added that the primary reason for her speaking out now was an assault she witnessed a week before and the way it was handled. Her video garnered over 7 million views. She has also made two update videos after the first one to let people know that she is OK. Thomas also expressed her disappointment at the fact that it took a TikTok video for those in charge to do their jobs.