Our service offers a wide geography of use, for example, a user can rent a car and go on a trip to another country, leaving the rented car at the final destination, without returning his original location. This solves the problems of tourists, because it is cheaper and more convenient than traditional public transport. Also, Darenta service solves the problem of parking, because than more the car is used, the less it costs parking. Also, the number of cars in the city will decrease, which will help reduce traffic congestion on public roads. And the fewer cars, the better the ecology, according to research by Frost & Sullivan in 2015, thanks to the car sharing, in the USA, hydrocarbon emissions decreased by 457,170 tons.
Until 2020, we have to actively expand into the countries of Europe and Asia and expand in the countries of presence and a significant upgrade of the service.
Owners of cars use our platform free of charge, receiving free leads. Renters pay a small commission for the transaction.
The company Darenta exists in the market for 3.5 years and has already acquired a base of 1,000 cars in 120 cities in 20 countries. In the media, more than 160 publications were made about us, they were shown on federal television and broadcasted by radio. Darenta is the largest in Russia and the Post USSSR countries P2P car sharing platform, which has no significant competitors in these countries.
Now, Darenta does ICO to increase the functionality of the service, which will be the first to be based on the blockchain and smart contract technology. Also, ICO will help to attract the necessary funds to the project, which will give the necessary impetus for the growth and improvement of the service. For 2017, only Russia and Europe, the market has 30,000 potential cars ready for rental. The annual turnover of funds from transactions in our service can be 20mln EUR.
After the completion of the ICO, Darenta also plans to expand into India. Already today you can buy a franchise for 100,000 tokens in order to get exclusive rights to the Darenta brand in any unoccupied territory, for example, in India or even the US. Thanks to the franchise, you can receive the necessary support in the service, marketing and most importantly, you will not have to build a product and brand for three years.
We also have a referral program. You can find your referral link in your account after registering on the page. https://ico.darenta.io/users/sign_up
And there is some instructions about how to buy this tokens
During the three ICO periods, we offer 69,000,000 tokens for sale.
Stage 1: pre-sale, from 15.11.17 to 07.12.17
Purpose: To sell tokens for the purpose of raising funds for consultants and specialists, to conduct pre-ICO and ICO, and to implement the plans described in White Paper.
Number of tokens put on sale – 1 000 000.
Bonus: 4x bonus. For 1 ETH at this stage, 1332 tokens are offered.
Hardcap at this stage is 750ETH.
Stage number 2: preICO, from 07.12.17 to 31.12.17
Purpose: To sell tokens for the purpose of collecting funds for company registration, for consultants and specialists, for ICO, and for implementing the plans described in White Paper.
The number of tokens put up for sale is 2,000,000.
Bonus: 2 times.
For 1 ETH at this stage, 666 tokens are offered
Hardcap is 3,003 ETH.
Stage number 3: ICO from 31.12.17 to 31.03.2018, 23:59
Goal: Implementation of the Road Map, described on the website http://Darenta.io and in White Paper http://Darenta.io/en.pdf
The number of tokens put up for sale is 66,000,000.
For 1 ETH, 333 tokens are proposed at this stage.
Hardcap is 198 198 ETH.
To date, the project has already invested more than $ 107,000, active marketing begins, the team visits domestic and foreign crypto conferences, where it communicates with crypto funds and seeks investors talking about the project.
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White Paper, Detailed Road Map, and team details can be found at https://darenta.io