GuruQ, the EdTech startup said yesterday in a report that it has secured an amount of Rs 2.5 crore in the funding round of Pre-Series A, from a few high Net worth individuals. However, the startup has not revealed the name of these investors. The startup also raised an undisclosed amount in the year 2017 in seed funding.
GuruQ is going to use the newly acquired funds for its expansion and also to market its product to target audience. The startup was founded by Minal Anand in the year 2016. It basically operates a platform for both online and offline tutoring for primary, secondary, higher secondary, and undergraduate courses for students.
Students and parents can use the platform to search for tutors in their locality. They can then choose tutors based on ratings and reviews. So, Guru Q helps parents and students to make an informed choice.
Apart from these, this platform helps in assessing progress and in maintaining timetables. The startup says that it helps tutors to connect with students, gain recognition, increase earnings, and manage their time effectively.
“This funding is a significant milestone in allowing us to expand the business, strengthen development and create value in the market with new features,” said Anand.
Picture Credits: GuruQ