According to the latest report, Elon Musk has issued subpoenas to a former Twitter employee and whistleblower who allegedly know various details regarding how Twitter Inc handles spam accounts on its platform. The subpoenas have been issued in relation to a lawsuit filed by Twitter against Elon Musk to enforce an acquisition deal of social networking company by Tesla CEO.
Peiter Zatko, who is famously known as Mudge, worked as head of security in the social media company for more than a year. Peiter Zatko who is an expert on network security is also a hacker and open source programmer. On Twitter, he was responsible for plugging loopholes in the information security apparatus of the platform.
Following his termination from Twitter in January 2022, Peiter filed a whistleblower complaint in the congress of the United States. In the complaint, he made serious allegations against Twitter and its top management who allegedly distorted facts and figures regarding security, spam, and privacy on the platform. The complaint also alleged that the social media platform violated various rules and regulations in the United States of America related to securities and trade.
Media reports suggest that Elon Musk and his legal team are trying to retrieve information and documents related to the security breaches and the number of spam accounts on the Platform, from Peiter Zatko.
In the whistleblower complaint to US Congress, Peiter had made allegations regarding how the company tried to cover up Securities vulnerabilities from the regulators and stakeholders. He also stated that facts and figures regarding the number of spam accounts were misrepresented in official documents. The deal with Elon Musk was also allegedly on basis of fudged data and figures.
Musk is trying to obtain documents and communications related to such information from Peiter Zatko.
There has been no information regarding how Elon Musk and his legal team are p lanning to use documents and information derived from subpoenas. Any such presentation of data or documents will need the approval of Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick of the Delaware Court of Chancery.
Lawyers representing Twitter or the company have not made any comments or statements regarding the latest development.
Last week, during a court hearing, counsel representing Twitter said that Elon Musk was using the “number of spam accounts” on Twitter as an excuse to back off from the 44 billion dollar acquisition deal illegally. The lawyer also said that points raised by Elon Musk regarding spam accounts would not be legally binding as Twitter had always said the figures they present are only estimates.
In the legal battle started by Twitter to enforce a 44 billion dollar deal between the social media giant and Elon Musk, the newest development on subpoenas is going to be a talking point for the next few days.
The trial over the case is due to start on October 17th.