It can be a tough world out there for fashionistas.Â
Depending on the style into which you’ve been born, it may seem like a constant struggle to stay in line with the trends and current styles while still keeping your own unique personality intact.
A lot of thought goes into every single stitch of chrome hearts clothing we wear so follow these simple rules to dress accordingly:
 You’ll never have enough shoesÂ
Keep them both stylish and comfortable! Everyone knows how quickly all those cute shoes become a torture device when they pinch your pinky toe raw. And sure, if you’re going for that trendy look then show ’em off but don’t forget to keep them practical too!
Shoes aren’t just meant for walkingÂ
A lot of us will choose the comfiest most sensible pair of shoes over that new, just-released trend even though it is surely to become huge in a few months. But with the right accessories any shoe can be made trendy!
It’s all about accessorizingÂ
It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing your old track pants or your brand new designer dress, accessorize like crazy and make sure everything matches (for example: your dress should match your purse).
Sweatpants are not for dinner
 OK, maybe they are but don’t wear them out in public! Wear dressy sweats only at home because no one wants to see how many burgers you can stuff into that body of yours!Â
Shoes make a statementÂ
You can tell a lot about a person based on their shoes. For example, if someone were to wear scuffed up flats with an expensive dress it’s going to look ridiculous!
Big is not always better
Oversized clothes are not flattering for everyone and rarely flatter any body shape! Wear what looks good on you and embrace your inner fashionista!
Your underwear does not need to match your bra anymore –Â
Just throw it all in the washing machine together and voilà , matching lace bras and panties have been washed into oblivion forever!
Baggy is almost never a good idea
Don’t hide all that hard work you did at the gym by wearing ASSC HOODIE clothes that are hiding your body. Wear something that fits you well and makes you look great!
Have fun with fashionÂ
Fashion is supposed to be fun, so have a blast mixing new trends, colors and styles together to create your own unique fashion sense!
Be who you areÂ
People will respect you more for being true to yourself than for trying to fit in all the time. Follow these rules but find what works best for YOU!