3 March, 2016, Chennai: In an interesting move, Flipkart has launched its Brand Story Ads on the mobile app. The company has unveiled its service with 50 leading brands on board including Yes Bank, L’Oreal, Micromax, Intel, Gillette, Datsun, Sony etc.
Brand Story Ads is an interactive story format that includes content, images and product guidelines. With the help of this service, bands can convey their stories to the viewers crisply and effectively. In the initial phase, the campaigns will focus on awareness creation with brand story and category pages. This will be extended to product listings, checkouts and other areas, reports ET.
Apart from the brands associated with flipkart in the retail segment, this service is also available for non-retailing brands as well such as real estate, FMCG, BFSI, auto, telecom etc. With this development, flipkart has now entered into commerce advertising segment which is said to be another booming industry of the country.
Commenting on the launch, Ravi Garikipati, Senior VP, Flipkart said, “With Brand Story Ads, we are offering a platform where the brands can target and engage with largest qualified commerce audience in the country at the right time for the right intent. Thus, the propensity to click on the advertisement is only higher and stronger. The magnitude of consumer traffic and intelligent data insights on online shopping behavior gives Flipkart the edge to provide larger reach, impact and measurability.”
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