Hogwarts Legacy is an exciting video game that allows players to explore the magical world of Harry Potter. However, this game is about more than discovering new locations and meeting new characters. Players must also face dangerous enemies, including the Ashwinder Duelists. These skilled witches are formidable foes, and defeating them requires careful planning and execution. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to beat Ashwinder Duelists in Hogwarts Legacy.

Strategies to beat Ashwinder Duelists:
The first step to beating Ashwinder Duelists is understanding their attacks and weaknesses. As mentioned earlier, Ashwinder Duelists use two Expulso charms as their primary attack. These charms can be dodged, but it is difficult to avoid the second one. Therefore, players are better off using Protego shields to block them. It is also important to note that Ashwinder Duelists can use Reductor, a powerful spell that sends players flying and cannot be blocked. However, this spell is weak to Diffindo, the Severing Charm. Therefore, players should use Diffindo while the Ashwinder Duelist charges up Reductor. This will cause them to spin out of control and hit an ally instead.
Another essential aspect to consider when fighting Ashwinder Duelists is their shield. These witches have a red shield that players need to break through before they can cause damage. To dispel the shield, players should use a red-damaging spell such as Incendio, Expelliarmus, or Confringo. They can also use Ancient Magic to throw an object at the Ashwinder Duelist, which will break the shield. Once the shield is gone, players can attack the Ashwinder Duelist with magic, including Levioso, Accio, and Glacius.
While fighting Ashwinder Duelists, players should also be aware of their surroundings. These witches often appear with other enemies, making the fight more challenging. Therefore, players should use Ancient Magic to eliminate the Ashwinder Duelist quickly. Alternatively, they can take them out with a single cast of Petrificus Totalus if they can sneak up on them.
Additional Tips:
In addition to these tips, players should also use their spells wisely. Hogwarts Legacy offers a wide range of spells, and players should take advantage of them to defeat Ashwinder Duelists. For example, the Stunning Spell (Stupefy) can stun the Ashwinder Duelist, giving players time to attack. The Binding Spell (Incarcerous) can also be used to immobilise the Ashwinder Duelist, making them easier to defeat. Players can also use the Disarming Charm (Expelliarmus) to disarm the Ashwinder Duelist, preventing them from using their spells.
Lastly, players should pay attention to their character’s stats and equipment. As they progress through the game, players can upgrade their character’s attributes and purchase new equipment, such as wands and robes, that provide additional bonuses. These upgrades can make a significant difference in a fight against an Ashwinder Duelist, so players should pay attention to them.
In conclusion, beating Ashwinder Duelists in Hogwarts Legacy requires strategy, spell selection, and careful execution. Players must understand the Ashwinder Duelists’ attacks and weaknesses, break their shields, and use their spells wisely. They should also be aware of their surroundings and take advantage of their character’s stats and equipment. Following these tips, players can defeat the Ashwinder Duelists and progress through the game.