October 2023 marks another exciting event in the world of Pokemon Go as Team Go Rocket takes over once again, introducing new challenges for trainers. This time, Giovanni is unleashing Shadow Regigigas, and trainers will have the opportunity to battle the powerful Shadow Lugia in Five-star Shadow Raids throughout the event.

When and Where to Battle Shadow Lugia
Shadow Lugia is set to appear in Five-star Shadow Raids starting on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 10 AM local time, and will be available until Sunday, October 29, 2023, at 8 PM local time. This provides trainers with just under two days to challenge this formidable Shadow Legendary.
Be warned, though, Shadow Lugia won’t be an easy opponent. It features an enraged mechanic, which means that as time passes, its Attack and Defense stats will increase. To conquer this powerful foe, you’ll need to bring along effective counters and a valuable resource known as Purified Gems.
How Purified Gems Work
Purified Gems are special items that play a crucial role in fighting Shadow Raid Bosses, effectively reducing their power. By using a sufficient number of Purified Gems, you can revert Shadow Lugia to its non-enraged form, making it significantly easier to defeat.
To obtain Purified Gems, you’ll need to collect a total of four Shadow Shards. These Shadow Shards can be acquired by defeating members of Team Go Rocket or by winning Shadow Raid Battles. Once you’ve gathered enough Shadow Shards, a Purified Gem will be automatically added to your inventory.
It’s essential to note that Remote Raid Passes won’t work for Shadow Raid Battles. You’ll need to locate a nearby Gym hosting a Shadow Lugia Raid in person and use a regular Raid Pass to participate.
Shadow Lugia’s Weaknesses
Understanding Shadow Lugia’s weaknesses is key to defeating it in battle. This unique Shadow Pokemon is a Psychic/Flying-type, which makes it vulnerable to certain attack types. Its weaknesses include Rock, Ghost, Electric, Ice, and Dark-type moves.
However, Shadow Lugia is resistant to Fighting, Grass, and Psychic-type attacks. Additionally, it’s completely immune to Ground-type attacks. To maximize your effectiveness in the battle against Shadow Lugia, it’s best to avoid using Ground-type moves altogether.
The Best Counters for Shadow Lugia
To conquer Shadow Lugia, you’ll need a well-prepared team with the best counters. Here are some of the top choices:
- Mega Tyranitar with the moveset Bite & Brutal Swing.
- Mega Manectric with Thunder Fang & Wild Charge.
- Raikou with Thunder Shock & Wild Charge.
- Zekrom with Charge Beam & Fusion Bolt.
- Rhyperior with Smack Down & Rock Wrecker.
- Magnezone with Spark & Wild Charge.
- Mega Banette with Shadow Claw & Shadow Ball.
- Baxcalibur with Ice Fang & Avalanche.
- Gengar with Lick & Shadow Ball.
Focus on using your most potent Pokemon that can exploit Shadow Lugia’s weaknesses, and team up with fellow trainers to increase your chances of success. Remember, bringing along Purified Gems is just as important as having the right counters and teammates. It’s a good strategy to tackle low-level Shadow Raid Bosses or Team Go Rocket members to stock up on these valuable items before taking on the mighty Shadow Lugia.
Can You Solo Defeat Shadow Lugia in Pokemon GO?
Shadow Lugia, a dual Flying- and Psychic-type Pokemon, presents a formidable challenge in five-star Shadow Raids. This legendary creature has several weaknesses, including Rock, Ghost, Electric, Ice, and Dark-type moves, which can deal significant damage to it. However, Shadow Lugia resists Fighting, Grass, and Psychic-type attacks. It’s also immune to Ground-type moves, making them ineffective in battle.
Shadow Lugia boasts a Combat Power (CP) of 45,925 and a formidable attack stat of 193. But what truly sets it apart is its massive defense, with a stat of 310. As a Shadow Raid Boss, this defense stat can increase further when it becomes enraged.
Due to its incredible bulk and the enraged mechanic, soloing Shadow Lugia in a five-star Shadow Raid is a daunting task. It’s highly recommended to team up with at least four or five high-level trainers to have a reasonable chance of defeating this formidable opponent in Pokemon GO.