Google Maps help you in finding the route when you are traveling to a new city or town. In addition, it also helps you with the nearest restaurants, shops, schools, and many other places. These Maps also use a real-time traffic information to show you the shortest and fastest route possible.
There is no doubt that Google Maps has been offering the best online mapping since 2005. Day by day, it gets evolved into an interactive global database overflowing with information. But, sometimes, you do not want to allow Google Maps to find your current location, and in that case, GPS spoofing iPhone or fake GPS with tools like iSpoofer iOS can help.
Also, several locations based games like Pokémon Go depend upon Google Maps location. To catch more Pokémon while sitting at home, you may need the help of iOS location changer, including iSpoofer for POGO.
You can use Google maps on android as well as iPhone for various purposes. Yes, there is Apple Maps for iPhone, but with iOS 14, you can also set Google Maps as your default maps.
Are you wondering about changing the iOS location on Google Maps? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will help you with changing the iOS location on Google maps.
Take a look!
Part 1: Can I use Google Maps on iPhone
In 2012, Apple launched its Apple Maps and broke its relation with Google Maps. But, after a few years, due to some drawbacks in Apple Maps, the company again allow Google Maps in the App store.
So, yes, now in 2021, you can use Google maps on iPhone 12 and earlier versions. The best part is that with the iOS 14 update, you can set Google Maps as your default maps for finding routes and locations.
In addition to your iPhone, you can also use Google Maps for CarPlay. Google Maps on CarPlay allows the same features it allows on the mobile app.
Part 2: How Do I Set Up Google Maps On iPhone
To set Google Maps on iPhone is very easy. Follow the following steps to so.
Step 1: Download the app: First, you need to install or download Google Maps on your iPhone. For this, go to the App Store and look for Google Maps. It is free to install on any device.
Step 2: Open the Google Maps: Once the installation gets completed, open Google Maps on your phone and follow the instructions to complete the account settings on Google Map.
Step 3: Set your home or office location: Now, go to the search bar of the maps and set your home location as well as office address. It is up to whether you want to set office address or not.
This allows you to save the home address and always guide you with a time limit from any location to your home.
Step 4: Search for your location or destination: Now, to know the shortest route or to know the route for your destination, fill the destination address in the search bar of Google Maps.
Step 5: Save maps offline: With Google Maps, you can also save your map offline to check the route when the internet is not working, or signals are weak.
To do this, search the location you wish to save and type “Ok Maps” into the search bar and press the blue button on the keyboard of your phone.
Part 3: Change iOS Location on Google Maps
When you are using Google Maps on your iOS device, you may find that it automatically pick your current location. If you want to hide your current location on Google Maps or want to keep your location private to you, then fake GPS is a great option.
But, for iOS users, location spoofing is not as easy as for android users. It is because iPhone is equipped with many safety features and needs a reliable location changer to spoof or change iOS location.
When you are looking for a safe and secure spoofing tool for iPhone, then look no further than Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS).
Advantages of Dr.Fone to change Google Maps location on iPhone
- It offers great accuracy for fake GPS, which is very important to change your location according to your desire.
- Dr.Fone – Virtual Location tool causes no ban to you from any app for which you spoof location.
- It can change iOS location in a single click and in a few seconds.
- Also, you can simulate your movements on Google maps or gaming apps like Pokémon Go with the Dr. Fone tool.
- You can select your starting and end positions along with a mode of travel.
- The tool also allows you to simulate the routes with different speeds of travel. From here, you can choose three different speed levels.
- It is a great tool for location-based games like Ingress, Pokémon Go, and more.
- Last but not least, Dr. Fone – Virtual Location tool is compatible with all iOS versions, including iOS 14.
You can download the Dr.Fone – Virtual Location on both Windows and Mac operating systems.
How to Fake GPS with Dr. Fone – Virtual Location (iOS)
Step 1: Go to the official site and download as well as Install Dr.Fone – Virtual Location on your system or Mac
Step 2: Once you completed the installation process, click on the Virtual Location tool, and connect your iPhone or iOS device to the system.
Step 3: On the map interface, choose the mode of your choice from teleport mode, multi-stop mode, and one-stop mode in the upper right corner
Step 4: Type the desired location in the search bar of the map interface and hit Go
That’s it! It hardly takes a few minutes to change iOS location on your device and Google Maps.
Now, Google Maps will take your fake GPS location as your current location.
Note that the interface of Apple Maps and Google Maps is quite similar. Therefore, you can also use a location changer like Dr.Fone to fake GPS on Apple Maps too.
Google Maps is a very popular maping app that helps you with routes, locations, and popular sites in any area. But, sometimes, you want to hide your location, and this where you want to change your iOS location on Google Maps.
For iPhone owners, Dr.Fone – Virtual Location is the best tool for fake GPS on Google Maps and any other location-based app. We hope that from the above article, you have learned about how to use a location changer on the iPhone. Try it once!