In the enchanting world of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, The Teal Mask DLC has brought back a plethora of beloved Pokémon, including the charming Swinub, Piloswine, and the mighty Mamoswine line. If you’re eager to enhance your team with a powerful Ice and Ground-type Pokémon, evolving Piloswine into Mamoswine is the key. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you don’t miss out on unleashing the full potential of this incredible Pokémon.
Piloswine, a unique Swine Pokémon, takes center stage in the evolution saga. The journey to Mamoswine begins with a crucial detail – Piloswine must master a specific move before leveling up. Without this move, your Pokémon adventure in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet may leave you with only a slightly stronger Piloswine.
Piloswine’s Essential Move: Ancient Power
The secret lies in Piloswine acquiring the move Ancient Power in its current moveset. This move holds the key to unlocking the transformation into the formidable Mamoswine. However, it’s essential to verify whether Piloswine already possesses Ancient Power in its moveset.
If, by chance, your Piloswine lacks this critical move, fret not. Navigate to Piloswine’s Pokémon Status Summary and access the ‘Moves and Stats’ page. Choose ‘Change Moves’ and then opt for ‘Remember moves.’ Scroll through the list until you find Ancient Power, and there you have it – the missing link to Piloswine’s evolution.
Piloswine Evolution Location: A Journey in Kitakami Region
Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of Piloswine’s essential move, let’s explore the locations of Swinub and Piloswine in the captivating Kitakami region.
Swinub’s Hideouts: Mossfell Confluence, Reveler’s Road, and Oni Mountain Caves
To embark on the evolutionary quest, you’ll first need to catch a Swinub. These adorable Pokémon can be found frolicking in Mossfell Confluence, exploring Reveler’s Road, or dwelling in the cave networks on Oni Mountain. With a Swinub in your Pokédex, you’re ready to move on to the next stage.
Piloswine’s Abode: Oni Mountain Cave Networks
For those looking to fast-track the evolution process and skip Swinub altogether, direct your attention to the top floors of the cave network leading to Fezandipiti. Piloswines roam these areas, awaiting skilled trainers to guide them toward their evolution into the mighty Mamoswine.
Evolving Piloswine: A Step-by-Step Guide
Armed with a Swinub or Piloswine and armed with the knowledge of Ancient Power, the final step is to evolve Piloswine into Mamoswine. Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:
- Verify Ancient Power: Before attempting to evolve Piloswine, double-check its moveset to ensure Ancient Power is present.
- Navigate to Pokémon Status Summary: If Ancient Power is absent, open Piloswine’s Pokémon Status Summary and head to the ‘Moves and Stats’ page.
- Change Moves: Choose ‘Change Moves’ and proceed to ‘Remember moves.’
- Locate Ancient Power: Scroll through the available moves until you find Ancient Power, the key move for evolution.
- Choose Move to Replace: Now, select the move you wish to replace with Ancient Power.
- Level Up Piloswine: Use a Rare Candy, Exp. Candy item, or engage in battles to accumulate Exp. points and level up Piloswine.
- Witness the Evolution: As Piloswine levels up, the transformation into the mighty Mamoswine will unfold before your eyes.
In the vast expanse of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, mastering the evolution of Piloswine into Mamoswine adds a formidable ally to your team. The power of Ice and Ground-type moves will prove invaluable in your quest to become a Pokémon Master. Whether you’re navigating the Mossfell Confluence, Reveler’s Road, or the cave networks of Oni Mountain, the journey to Mamoswine is an adventure worth undertaking.