Are you playing Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and looking to catch and evolve Poliwag into the powerful Poliwhirl? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of obtaining and evolving Poliwag into Poliwhirl, and then explain how you can further evolve it into either Poliwrath or Politoed. Let’s dive into the world of Pokemon and discover the secrets of the Poliwag line in the Teal Mask DLC!

How to Get Poliwag
Poliwag is the first step in your journey to obtaining a powerful Water-type Pokemon. To find Poliwag, head to the river south of Reveler’s Road, located to the east of Mossui Town. Poliwag loves to swim in the waters or walk along the riverbank, so it’s a good idea to unlock Koraidon/Miraidon’s Swim Ability to make your search easier.
Depending on your progress in the game, Poliwag’s level may vary. If you’re going straight to Kitakami from the post-game, you’ll encounter Poliwag at around level 60.
When attempting to catch Poliwag, consider using Quick Balls for your first turn. If they fail, you’ll need to gradually reduce Poliwag’s HP. Although Poliwag is weak to Grass-type and Electric-type moves, it’s not advisable to target these weaknesses when trying to catch it. Poliwag is a speedy Pokemon, but its Defense and Special Defense are low, so one lucky strike could result in a one-hit knockout.
For a higher catch rate, you can use Net Balls or Dive Balls, especially if you encounter Poliwag while it’s in the water.
How to Evolve Poliwag into Poliwhirl
Poliwag evolves into Poliwhirl when it reaches level 25. If the Poliwag you’ve caught is already beyond this level, you can initiate the evolution by increasing its level once more. You can achieve this by battling with it or using items like Rare Candy/Exp Candy.
How to Get Poliwrath
Poliwhirl can further evolve into the Water/Fighting-type Poliwrath when exposed to a Water Stone. This evolution will also teach Poliwrath the move Dynamic Punch, a powerful Fighting-type move that deals 100 damage. However, keep in mind that Dynamic Punch has only 5PP and an accuracy of 50%. Additionally, it has a chance to confuse the target if it lands successfully.
Water Stones can be found near bodies of water as sparkling objects. If you’ve earned three Gym Badges, you can purchase a Water Stone for 3000 at Delibird Presents in the General section.
One unique aspect of Poliwrath is that it doesn’t learn any moves as it levels up. Therefore, if you want to expand its move set, you’ll need to use the Remember Moves feature on its summary page (accessible by pressing the X-button, selecting Poliwrath, then navigating to the second page and pressing the A-button).
Poliwrath’s new Fighting-type grants it strengths against Normal, Steel, Rock, and Ice-type Pokemon. However, it also introduces vulnerabilities to Flying, Psychic, Fairy-type moves, in addition to Electric and Grass-types. Despite being slower than Poliwhirl and Poliwag, Poliwrath boasts better stats in almost every other aspect, making it a formidable choice for your team.
How to Get Politoed
Obtaining Politoed involves a unique process. You’ll need an item called a King’s Rock and a Nintendo Online Membership for trading. To evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed, you must first give it a King’s Rock and then trade it to another player before trading it back. This process can be done via the Union Circle or PokePortal, but it requires an online subscription. Ensure that you select a Link Trade to generate a Link Code for the exchange.
King’s Rock can be purchased from Delibird Presents for 10,000 once you’ve obtained four Gym Badges. Alternatively, you can earn a King’s Rock by defeating all the Gym Leaders in the post-game and speaking to Geeta.
While Politoed doesn’t evolve via stone, you can enhance its move set through the Remember Moves feature. Take your time to choose the moves that best suit your battle strategy.
For those who prefer not to trade or lack an online membership, there’s another way to obtain Politoed. You can evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed in Pokemon GO using a King’s Rock and 100 Poliwag Candy. Once you have Politoed, you can transfer it to Pokemon HOME by following these steps:
- Tap the Poke Ball icon on the main screen.
- Select Settings.
- Choose Connected Devices and Services.
- Select Pokemon HOME, then click Send Pokemon and Continue.
Ensure that you have GO Transport Energy to send Politoed. Be aware that a Politoed retrieved from Pokemon GO cannot be nicknamed and will have a different Trainer ID from Scarlet/Violet, which means its Friendship level will reset when traded back to the main game.
Now you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to catch, evolve, and master the Poliwag line in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Teal Mask DLC. Whether you choose to evolve Poliwag into Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, or Politoed, your team is sure to benefit from the power and versatility of these Water-type Pokemon. So, dive into the adventure, explore the rivers, and embark on your journey to become a Pokemon Master in the Kitakami region!