The Meteorite is an intriguing new item that has debuted in Pokémon GO. In particular, Rayquaza’s ability to learn Dragon Ascent, its trademark move, is vital for Rayquaza’s Mega Evolution, and this rare and potent item is needed for Rayquaza’s evolution. In-depth instructions on how to get a Meteorite in Pokémon GO as of 2024 may be found here.
Describe a Meteorite
In Pokémon GO, a meteorite is an evolution item that enables Rayquaza to acquire the Dragon Ascent move. To Mega Evolve into Mega Rayquaza, one of the most potent and recognisable Mega Evolutions in the game, Rayquaza needs to perform this move.
KEYPOINT: By finishing a research mission, such as a Special Research or Timed Research quest, or by taking down Mega Rayquaza in a raid, you can obtain meteorites. Remember that there’s a potential you won’t obtain a Meteorite when battling Mega Rayquaza, so if the research mission is available, it’s also worthwhile to finish it.
Special Research Assignments
Special Research missions are regularly released by Niantic, rewarding players with valuable things when they complete them. These assignments frequently include fresh updates or time-limited events. Obtaining a Meteorite
- Look for Announcements of Events: For information regarding Special Research assignments, keep a watch on the official Pokémon GO channels, which include the game’s blog, social media pages, and in-game news.
- Finish the Tasks Assigned: Take part in the events-specific activities, such as spinning PokéStops, going on raids, and capturing special Pokémon. After finishing, you can receive a Meteorite as payment.
Battles of Raid
Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza makes sporadic appearances in Raid Battles, particularly during special events. In these kinds of situations, meteorites can occasionally be obtained by:
- Taking Part in Rayquaza Raids: Engage in Raid Battles against Rayquaza. These are usually Tier 5 raids, requiring a group of trainers to defeat.
- Rewards from Raids: After successfully defeating Rayquaza, there is a chance you might receive a Meteorite as part of the post-raid rewards.
Special Occasions
Special in-game events are held by Niantic and provide exclusive rewards. These could be joint ventures, community days, or anniversary celebrations. In order to increase your chances of obtaining a Meteorite:
- Engage in Active Participation: Participate in these activities and finish tasks unique to each event.
- Bonuses for events: Increased spawn rates, unique study assignments, and better odds of finding uncommon things like meteorites are frequently associated with these events.
Timed Assignments for Research
While they are only available for a short time, Timed Research activities are comparable to Special Research. These assignments frequently relate to yearly cycles or worldwide issues. To obtain a Meteorite via Timed Investigation:
- Keep Up with: Keep an eye out for fresh Timed Research assignments in the game.
- Finalise Within the Allotted Time: Complete the tasks provided by the deadline in order to obtain your rewards, which might include a Meteorite.
Events at the Safari Zone and Pokémon GO Fest
These big events frequently have special prizes. Obtaining a Meteorite in such circumstances:
- Attend the Events: Take part in live or virtually in the Pokémon GO Fest or Safari Zone events.
- Take Part in Event Activities: Fulfil research assignments and challenges that are unique to the event to win prizes, including meteorites.
Advice to Increase Your Odds
- Remain Up to Date: To be informed about events and the newest changes, subscribe to Pokémon GO’s official channels.
- Take Part in a Community: Participating in a local or virtual Pokémon GO community might assist you in keeping up with forthcoming events and task completion tactics.
- Be Ready: Make sure you have enough of the necessities, such as Poké Balls, potions, and raid passes, so you can handle any assignment or event.
In summary
In Pokémon GO, raid battles, numerous research activities, and keeping up with game events are all necessary to obtain a Meteorite. Your chances of winning this uncommon and priceless item can be raised by actively engaging in the game’s community and events. Watch for exclusive announcements and happenings to make sure you don’t pass on the chance to transform your Rayquaza into the formidable Mega form. Trainers, happy hunting!