This article focuses on how to get a raid key in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Thankfully, there are three methods for getting the Raid Key, viable in the game multiplayer, Warzone 2.0, and DMZ modes. To unlock and play the Raid Mission, at least one player in the three-person party needs to possess the Raid Key.

Only one player needs to obtain the Raid Key, with which he or she may unlock a mission for himself or herself, as well as the other two teammates in the party. Once players have completed one of these three tasks, they earn their own Raid Key, and they are allowed to bring two friends along on the mission. The Raid Key is earned after you finish any one of those methods, and once done, players and the two teammates they choose will be granted access to that new game mode, Raid, for roughly one week.
Once a Raid Key is earned, this player and any teammates they decide to include will have access to this new special operations raid mode for a whole week. Raid access will be limited to a raid key on Modern Warfare 2, which can be earned from taking on certain Daily Challenges within either Multiplayer or Special Ops. To get the raid key, you must either place within the top 20 in Warzone 2 matches, complete specific daily challenges or use a last-ditch extraction helicopter in Warzone 2 and flee with $30,000.

Unlike regular special operations, the mode will not be accessible to players directly, they will have to obtain specific Raid assignments. Infinity Ward warned players that the episodic cooperative modes would be challenging and that they would require going to great lengths to really gain access. While that is the only requirement for Raids to get in, Infinity Ward really does advise players to try out a few special Ops missions first before jumping in, since that will help you get warmed up to PvE activities, and will level your kit.
Modern Warfare 2s Raids are meant to be high-level content for skilled players, and you will need to prove this proficiency before even getting inside. If Atomgrads special operations raids are not your cup of tea, or if you are struggling to reach the end, fret not, because KyleGaz Garrick may be unlocked as well, thanks to the store-bundle buy which will include an aquatic skin. Players who manage to unlock the Convoy skin after completing Atomgrad Spec Ops Raid, as well as purchasing the Aquatic skin bundle, will receive the third skin, Grass Ops, as a bonus prize.