World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery introduces class-specific runes, each granting unique abilities to enhance gameplay. Obtaining these runes involves engaging with the Rune Engraving system, allowing players to collect, learn, and utilize these newfound powers. By the end of the season, players can accumulate a total of 12 distinct runes or abilities, hidden throughout the vast world of Azeroth. Some runes may even necessitate collaboration and teamwork to access.

Tips for Efficient Rune Collection
- Group Up: Some runes may be challenging to acquire alone. Team up with fellow players to increase your chances of success.
- Thorough Exploration: Be meticulous in exploring each zone. Runes can be tucked away in seemingly inconspicuous locations.
- Quest Completion: Some runes are obtained by completing specific quests. Keep an eye out for questlines that lead to these powerful enhancements.
- Patience is Key: Rune locations may not always be straightforward. Exercise patience and persistence in your pursuit.
- Communication: Coordinate with other players to share information about rune locations and strategies. A collaborative effort can significantly expedite the process.
- Stay Informed: Keep an eye on community forums, guides, and updates from the developers for any additional tips and insights into rune acquisition.
Rune Locations and Farming Spots
To embark on your journey for these empowering runes, here is a comprehensive list of the various runes and their corresponding locations:
Warlock Runes
- Demonic Tactics (TBD):
- Lake of Fire (TBD):
- Master Channeler:
- Dwarf & Gnome: Buy Malevolent Pie from Greishan Ironstove in Loch Modan. Eat it and he will give you the rune.
- Soul Siphon:
- Human: Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Innocent Shard].
- Orc & Troll: Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Innocent Shard].
- Undead: Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Pure Shard].
- Gnome: Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Pure Shard].
- Demonic Grace:
- Undead: Obtain Ominous Tome, The summoning circle is in the Sewers location in Undercity.
- Human: Go to near Jasperlode Mine and loot the Dead Acolyte near 56.8, 57.0. Take the artifact to the warlock trainer in Goldshire.
- Demonic Pact (TBD):
- Everlasting Affliction (TBD):
- Incinerate (TBD):
- Haunt:
- Orc: Complete the level 2 quest “Stolen Power” in the Valley of Trials.
- Undead: Complete the level 2 quest “The Lost Rune” in Tirisfal Glades.
- Human: Complete the level 2 quest.
- Gnome: Complete the level 2 quest.
- Chaos Bolt:
- Undead: In Tirisfal glades, behind Deathknell is a spiral ramp leading down to a cave. The shard is on a pedestal.
- Night Elf: Near Dolanaar, inside the Hollow of the cave (31.9, 73.0).
- Dwarf: Near Thelsamar, in a small cave at the location (33.2, 50.7).
- Orc: In Durotar, by the pool of water at the location (36.0, 42.0).
- Soulstone:
- Night Elf: In the forest behind the furbolg camps on the southwest side of Teldrassil. The shard is on a stump.
- Dwarf: In the small cave in Thelsamar, behind the spiderweb at the location (32.0, 57.0).
- Human: In the cave behind Jasperlode Mine, near a lake at the location (58.0, 21.0).
- Gnome: In a small cave southeast of Gnomeregan, near the lake at the location (66.0, 38.0).
- Orc: Near the coast of Durotar, on a rock formation at the location (42.0, 18.0).
- Imp Swarm (TBD):
Rogue Runes
- Deadly Brew (Chest): To Be Determined (TBD).
- Just A Flesh Wound (Chest): TBD.
- Quick Draw (Chest):
- Undead: Treasure under the bridge in Tirisfal Glades (52.9, 54.0).
- Human: Loot or pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments to create an Elwynn Treasure Map.
- Orc and Troll: Pickpocket pieces of the treasure map from various sources to create the Durotar Treasure Map.
- Night Elf: Loot or pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments to create a Teldrassil Treasure Map.
- Dwarf: Pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments from various sources to create the Dun Morogh Treasure Map.
- Slaughter From The Shadows (Chest):
- Orc & Troll: Found inside a chest in Durotar at Drygulch Ravine.
- Night Elf: Kill Furbolgs inside Banethil until you receive a key – the chest is located randomly inside the Barrows.
- Forsaken: Found inside a chest in Tirisfal Glades at Agamand Family Crypt.
- Blade Dance (Leg):
- Human: Pickpocket the Defias in Westfall until you receive an envelope.
- Between the Eyes (Leg): Human – Found in Cutthroat Alley in Stormwind.
- Envenom (Leg): TBD.
- Main Gauche (Gloves): TBD.
- Mutilate (Gloves):
- Forsaken: Pickpocket Captain Perrine, then take his signet ring to the Brill town hall.
- Orc & Troll: Get from the stealth troll, Ba’so at 51,58 in Durotar.
- Night Elf: Drops from Lord Melenas in the cave north of Dolanaar.
- Saber Slash (Gloves): Alliance Shaman – On the hill behind the Sentinel Hill Inn, there is an Elite Defias Scout with an Escape Plan buff, which will cause them to flee if they sense danger. Use Stealth to avoid detection and Pickpocket Defias Scout.
- Shadowstrike (Gloves):
- Orc and Troll Rogue: Reward from the quest Atop the Cliffs, which requires you to open a chest from the nearby cliffs.
- Human: Found in a chest by the outhouses near the vineyard in Northshire.
- Night Elf: On “the lowest roof,” location unconfirmed.
Shiv (Gloves): TBD.
By following these guidelines and immersing yourself in the exploration of Azeroth, you’ll uncover the secrets of the Rune Engraving system, enhancing your gameplay experience in World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery.