WhatsApp, which was launched in 2009, is one of the most widespread text and voice messaging programmes. On both desktop and mobile devices, you may send messages, conduct phone calls, and hold video chats for free.
This app’s popularity derives in part from the fact that it functions on a variety of phone and computer operating systems, making it useful for communicating. Wi-Fi and cellular data can also be used to make one-on-one or group conversations.
To comprehend WhatsApp’s appeal, it’s important to remember that it was one of the first smartphone apps to provide free internet-based messaging. Instead of transmitting texts through cellular data networks, where costs may apply, WhatsApp sends and receives messages and calls via a Wi-Fi connection for free.
WhatsApp is used by over 2 billion people worldwide because it allows them to communicate more efficiently regardless of their device or location.
WhatsApp offers a lot of positive aspects, but it also has some drawbacks. There are drawbacks, such as a flood of messages from individuals you’ll never react to, and the dreaded “Last Seen” notice, which lets everyone understand precisely when you were online and when their messages were received by you.
WhatsApp’s timestamp, which indicates whether a person is online or was last seen at a specific time and date, may now be concealed from all consumers or all unknown users. This choice to hide the last seen information by the instant messaging service provider is divided into three categories : Everyone, My Contacts and Nobody.
Decide what you want to do with the option first, then use the methods below to alter it, based on your platform.
Whatsapp for Android
- Launch Whatsapp first, then select Menu from the drop-down menu. It’s generally a three-dots sign in the upper right corner, and those with a menu button in the three capacitive buttons at the bottom may retrieve over from there (which is usually bottom left-most or right-most touch capacitive button).
- Settings may be found under the Menu.
- Select the Privacy option from the Settings menu.
- Users may find the Last Seen option under Who Can See My Personal Information in the Privacy section. Simply tap on it and choose who you want to view the information.
Whatsapp for iPhone
- To begin, launch Whatsapp and then touch on Settings in the bottom right corner.
- Now go to Settings and look for the Account option.
- Tap on Account, and then on Privacy in the drop-down menu.
- Finally, tap on Last seen and change the settings.