Bloxorz is a popular online puzzle game where players must maneuver a rectangular block to the goal-hole on each level map. To move the block, players use the arrow keys. The block can either lay horizontally and roll or stand vertically and move end-over-end. The objective is to reach the goal without falling into any of the holes on the map.
Level 7 of Bloxorz is one of the more challenging stages because of its narrow bridges and platforms. Players must be careful not to fall into the giant hole in the middle of the map while navigating two long and narrow paths. Additionally, there is a switch that must be pressed along the way to progress to the next level.
To beat stage 7, players must start by pressing the down arrow key to flip the cuboid over. Then, they must press the left arrow key to move the block in that direction. The next move is to press the up arrow key to move the block upwards. Players should then press the right arrow key five times to move the block horizontally to the right.
The block should then be on the narrow strip of squares at the top of the “X” on the far side of the screen. Players should then roll the block down and press the right arrow key to place the block on the “X.” Doing so will cause a platform to raise in the bottom left corner.
Next, players must reverse their actions to get the block to the other side of the screen. They should move the block horizontally to the left and then roll it down to stand vertically. The block should be standing up directly across from the newly-raised platform. Pressing the right arrow key will cause the block to rest horizontally on the newly-raised platform. Players should then roll the block down to the narrow strip of squares under the “X” on the level map.
To continue, players should press the up arrow key and move the block to the right end-over-end twice. The next move is to move end-over-end once towards the top of the screen and then fall down onto the “X.” Players should then roll the block down once and press the right arrow key to stand the block vertically. The block should then be laid horizontally and rolled once to the right of the screen. The block should now be resting horizontally next to the “X.”
Players should press the up arrow key to stand the block vertically and then move it end-over-end twice. Rolling the block to the right of the screen will cause it to rest on the final two squares. Next, players should press down to stand the block vertically and then press the right arrow key to cause it to rest horizontally. Rolling the block down once will cause it to be on the goal, but players must stand it vertically to fit. Pressing the right arrow key will cause the block to stand vertically, and then players should press down to lay it horizontally on the last two squares of the platform on the right side of the screen.
The final move is to roll the block once to the left and then press the up arrow key to cause the block to fall into the goal. Completing these steps will allow players to beat stage 7 and progress to the next level.
In summary, Bloxorz is a puzzle game where players must move a rectangular block to the goal-hole on each level map. Level 7 is particularly challenging because of its narrow bridges and platforms, as well as the switch that must be pressed to progress to the next level. By using the arrow keys to move the block in the correct sequence of keystrokes, players can successfully beat stage 7.