Are you excited because you’ve finished writing your book? Great news, you’re just a few steps away from making it available for readers to buy on Amazon. Don’t worry if the process seems overwhelming – we’re here to guide you through it with easy-to-follow steps. Let’s dive into how to publish your book on Amazon!

Step 1: Create a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Account
Starting the process is as easy as creating a KDP account. Head over to the Kindle Direct Publishing website, where you can either sign in if you already have an Amazon account or create a new one. Once you’re in, you might notice a message saying your account is incomplete. This is because you need to provide payment information for your future royalties.
Click on “Update now” and fill in your details:
- Choose “Individual” or “Corporation” depending on your publishing status.
- Enter your birth date and country.
- Input your bank account information for royalty payments.
- Complete a quick tax interview to establish your tax identity.
After entering your information, click “Save” and then go to “Bookshelf” to begin publishing your book. You’ll need to decide if you’re publishing an eBook, paperback, hardcover, or a series page. This guide will focus on eBook publishing.
Step 2: Create Your Book Details
The KDP dashboard has three sections: Details, Content, and Pricing. Let’s start with the Details section:
- Choose your book’s language.
- Enter your book title and subtitle.
- Indicate if it’s part of a series or a new edition.
- Add your author name and any other contributors.
Then, provide a captivating book description similar to what you find on the back of books. Take your time crafting this description, as it’s the first thing potential readers will see. Make sure to make your first line intriguing, as Amazon shows only a preview. You can also use bold, italic, and bullet points to make your description visually appealing.
Step 3: Choose Keywords and Categories
Keywords and categories are crucial for helping readers find your book. KDP lets you choose two categories and up to seven keywords. Select categories that best match your book’s content, and choose keywords that describe it accurately. You can experiment with these choices later if needed.
For better understanding, explore Amazon keyword and category guides. Additionally, you can decide if your book will be available for pre-order before moving on to the next step.
Step 4: Upload Your eBook and Cover
Now it’s time to upload your book and cover. In the Content section of the KDP dashboard:
- Upload your eBook manuscript (preferably in EPUB format).
- Ensure your formatting is top-notch for a professional look.
- Upload your book cover with the recommended resolution.
Use the eBook Preview tool to check how your book will look. Make sure everything is correct before moving forward.
Step 5: Set the Right Price
Pricing your book correctly is vital. Amazon offers a 70% royalty rate for eBooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99, and 35% for other prices. Keep your target audience and pricing strategy in mind. Amazon will calculate estimated royalties based on your price and the delivery rate.
Don’t forget to decide if you want to enroll in KDP Select, a program that offers promotions but limits your book’s availability on other platforms.
Step 6: Hit “Publish”
Double-check all your settings, and if everything looks good, hit “Publish your Kindle eBook.” Take a deep breath, because you’ve done it! Your book will appear on Amazon within a few days. Remember, it might take up to 72 hours for and up to five days for other Amazon sites.
In Conclusion
Publishing your book on Amazon might have seemed daunting, but you’ve successfully navigated the process step by step. Congratulations on this accomplishment! Now that your book is out there, focus on promoting and marketing it to reach your readers. Happy publishing!