Tyler Bosmeny, the clever CEO explains how Clever grew so quickly because of his experience in sales.
There is a million ways to do sales, you will have to find what works for you!
Every founder has a unique advantage when it comes to sales, as you will be talking to your users while building your product. The two factors that make the founders a better sales personnel are the passion for the product and industry knowledge that you’ve amassed while building your product.
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On comparing the first layer of the almighty sales funnel with the bell curve, you find that only 2.5% of innovators/customers would even want to consider buying from a startup and in order to achieve that 2.5% number the number of customers you need to call is going to be a lot.
The number one thing to do when you get your customers on phone is remember to shutup.
Even in the best case scenario, your call cannot be converted into sales within that first phone call. There is going to be a series of steps that form the entities of a religious follow up for a call to be converted into a customer.
If you get to a YES or NO, then a NO is even better than a MAY BE, so that you can focus on the YES!
There are a few closing traps where most founders get caught and those would be the redlines in the agreement, building one extra feature for a potential customer and finally the free trial.
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And for the most important question of all, how to talk to investors? YC partners Michael, Dalton and Qasar discuss what is going to happen before the meeting, during the meeting and after the meeting.
There are three basics when you’re in a 30 seconds pitch, what does your company do? How big is the market? How much traction do you have?
The rest of the 2 minutes pitch depends entirely on how well you’ve communicated in the first 30 seconds.
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For more on how to set up investors meeting and mock pitch sessions, check out the video.
Finally for the later stage advice. stay tuned for next week. Until then check out How To Start A Startup !
Image Credits: jobs.ihs.com