When you’re in a rush for cash, credit cards come in handy. However, credit cards are not always accepted for some purchases. Mortgages, stocks, and money orders are all examples of items that cannot be paid using a credit card. You may always transfer money from your credit card to your bank account in this situation. Here’s all you need to know about such a deal.

There are two scenarios that you may experience when transferring money from a credit card to a bank account.
- When banks enable you to transfer money from your credit card to your bank account.
You can send money directly to your bank account by online banking, money transfer, credit card, or phone call, or indirectly using an e-wallet linked to your bank account. - When your bank won’t let you transfer money from your credit card to your bank account, you can use checks or ATM cash advances.
Direct Transfer into Your Bank Account
You may use the net banking app or even the phone to transfer cash directly from your credit card to your bank account. Because the daily and monthly transfer limits differ by bank, you should verify with your bank for the most up-to-date information. The transfer is almost instantaneous if you are moving cash to an account with the same bank as the credit card. If the transfer goes to another bank’s account, however, it should take two to three business days.
Direct access to your credit card’s online banking account can be used to transfer funds.
- Go to your bank’s website and log in.
- Go to your credit card account and log in.
- Choose a transfer method.
- Fill in the amount you’d like to transfer.
- Fill in the blanks in the form with the needed information.
- To complete transactions, follow the steps.
The fees for transferring money from a credit card to a bank account vary by bank.
Make a call
If you need money right away and don’t have access to the internet, you may always telephone for a transfer.
- Get in touch with your credit card company.
a request for a transfer of funds - Confirm the amount you’d want to deposit into your bank account.
- Provide the bank account number as well as any other necessary information.
- To complete the transaction, simply follow the steps.
The fee for transferring money from a credit card to a bank account over the phone will be the same as the fee for using online banking.
Indirect transfer to your bank account
E-wallets, such as Paytm and PayZapp, are digital wallets that allow you to conduct rapid and safe transactions. These are connected to your bank account and require you to complete a KYCÂ process.
Paytm also allows you to transfer money from your credit card to your bank account. However, you must first fund your Paytm Wallet before transferring funds to your bank account. Any sum between INR 100 and INR 25,000 can be sent.
- Money must be added to your Paytm wallet.
- Open the app and select the ‘Add Money’ option.
- Fill in the amount to be transferred.
- Choose ‘Credit Card Method’ and enter your card information.
- Paytm is a service that allows you to send money to a bank account.
- Open the app and select Passbook from the drop-down menu.
- Select the ‘Transfer to Bank’ option from the drop-down menu.
- Fill up your bank account information.
- Fill in the amount to be transferred.
- To complete the transfer, press the ‘Send’ button.
There is a 4% charge imposed when you transfer funds from your Paytm Wallet to just about any bank account.