This article focuses on how to unlock the Scarlet Witch in Marvel’s Midnight Suns. To unlock the Scarlet Witch in Marvel’s Midnight Suns, players need to play through Skin Deeps story missions a couple hours into Marvel’s Midnight Suns, depending on how much of the extra content they have completed. The Skin Deep story mission itself requires Magik to be present, so make sure you are using a top deck with Magik in order to get a better chance at beating Wanda Maximoff in the battle for the final time. Speak with Nico in advance, Nico will tell you the spell, and then in the Skin Deep story mission, beat down Fallen Scarlet Witch three times and cleanse it three times with special cards to finish the mission.

To unlock the best Wanda Ability cards, you need to finish the Scarlet Witch challenge from the Midnight Sun, which can be difficult. While the Marvels Midnight Suns Scarlet Witch Challenge is going to be a later game, it is a safe way to unlock one of the best cards in the game. Joining the party following the second Marvels Midnight Suns loss in the middle game, Scarlet Witch is a supporting character that has a unique style of play that is not seen with any of the other heroes in the lineup.
Scarlet Witch’s passive ability, Wrong Place, Wrong Time, has the ability to disable adjacent enemies, which allows her allies to target previously powerful bosses. Mind Control Fallen Scarlet Witch can zap one of your character’s minds, forcing it to either attack allies as well as enemies, or to wander aimlessly. Ideally, you would save your strongest hits for completely draining the HP of the fallen Scarlet Witch, and then follow that up with Absorb Darkness, making sure that Hunter stays alive or gets treatment for his or her ailments.

The idea, then, is to either sacrifice specific cards to other heroes who might do a little bit more damage or cast spells that do not hit her, until you get the ability to deliver a finishing blow. It takes players some time to unlock Scarlet Witch, but Scarlet Witch has a powerful synergy with her underused tutor, Doctor Strange. Any foe who gets close to Scarlet Witch will find that she is not an easy target; the stream of mystical powers that swirl around her are as devastating as the ones she throws at range.
Despite questions of whether Wanda Maximoff would ever be reinstated, Wanda becomes an instant asset, building bridges to the Avengers and Marvel’s Midnight Sun as soon as she steps on stage. Around night 3 or 4, you will unlock the story mission in the Mirrors table, in which you team up with Spider-Man. After this, you unlock the rest of the members of the Core Team, the Supernatural Warriors, to do missions, with more heroes like Spider-Man being recruited into the Team via story.