Apple Pay is a payment and digital wallet service that is operated by Apple Inc. It allows users to make payments in iOS apps, on the web using Safari, and in person. You can find a list of the regions where the use of Apple Pay is supported.
In order to use Apple Pay in supported regions, here is a list of the things you will require:
- An eligible device. A list can be found here.
- A supporting card issued by a participating card issuer.
- The latest version of either iOS, macOS, or watchOS.
- An Apple ID that has been signed into iCloud.
If you want to use Apple Pay on more than one device, you will have to add your card to each of those devices. Initially, you should choose your devices. After you set up Apple Pay on iPhone or Apple Watch, you can use your cards on the web by using Safari on some models of Mac, while signed in to iCloud through your Apple ID. On Apple Watch Series 3 and later version, as well as an iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus and later, you can a maximum of 12 cards on a device. In older models, you can add a maximum of eight cards to a device.
This guide will discuss the process of adding a card on your iPhone, since it is the easiest, fastest, and most convenient option for users.
- Go to Wallet and tap on the icon.
- Follow the given steps to add a new card. If you are asked to add the card that you typically use with your Apple ID, any cards on other devices, or that cards that you may have recently removed, choose them and type in the related security codes. You might have to download an app from your bank or card issuer to add a card to Wallet. If you are in mainland China, you might need to either create or update a 6-digit passcode.
- Tap on Next. Your bank or card issuer will verify the information you’re provided and determine whether or not you can use your card with Apple Pay. If your bank or issuer requires more information to verify your card, they will ask you to give it to them. When you have the necessary information at hand, return to Wallet and tap on your card.
- After your bank or issuer will verify your card, tap on Next, after which you can start to use Apple Pay.