Roblox’s first-person shooter game Phantom Forces is well-liked for its competitive and fast-paced gameplay. Upholding a fair and entertaining gaming environment is essential when there is a vibrant player community. The votekick mechanism is one weapon that players have at their disposal to deal with disruptive behaviour. You can follow this instruction to learn how to votekick in Phantom Forces with the 2024 update.
Recognising Vote Kicking
A feature called “votekicking” enables players to propose removing another participant from the server. This is usually used to deal with users that are acting toxically, cheating, or abusing the system. It’s crucial to utilise this tool sensibly, though, to make sure that everyone has a fun time while gaming.
KEYPOINT: Other players on the server can cast their votes once the votekick has started by pressing y to cast a yes vote, n to cast a no vote, and j to close the popup and not cast a vote. There is a 40-second vote kick. Voting in favour adds one vote, while opposing it deducts one.
How to Start a Votekick
- Find the Player Who Is the Problem: Make sure the player in issue is truly acting disruptively before starting a votekick. If at all feasible, gather proof so that other players would understand why the votekick was given.
- Start a Chat: To access the Phantom Forces conversation window, press the ‘/’ key. You’ll be able to type commands and interact with other players thanks to this.
- Use the Votekick Command: Type the following command in the chat:
- /votekick [Player Username]
- Replace [Player Username] with the exact username of the player you want to votekick. For example, if the player’s username is “BadPlayer123”, you would type:
- /votekick BadPlayer123
- Send in the Order: To submit the command, press Enter. Votekick will then begin, and a notice stating that a votekick has been begun against the designated person will show up in the chat.
Procedure for Voting
Other players on the server will be prompted to vote after the votekick is started. Voting is done in the chat window by entering /yes or /no. For the votekick to be effective, a majority vote is needed. The precise quantity of votes required may change based on how many people are using the service at the moment.
- Voting Yes: To vote in favor of kicking the player, type: /yes
- Voting No: To vote against kicking the player, type: /no
Advice for Successful Vote Kicking
- Talk Clearly: Explain your reasoning for starting a votekick in the discussion. It can be easier to convince other players to support your vote if you give them good arguments.
- Prevent Abuse: Refrain from abusing the votekick tool by removing players because they are just better than you or because you have personal issues with them. Votekicking abuse may result in fines or the removal of the feature.
- Remain Calm: If someone is trying to votekick you, remain composed and gently inquire as to why. Other players are less inclined to vote against you if it’s unjustified.
In summary
In Phantom Forces, votekicking is a useful technique for upholding an equitable and entertaining gaming environment. You may contribute to ensuring that the preceding procedures are followed and the functionality is used appropriately by utilising the game remains fun and competitive for everyone. Remember to always provide clear reasons for votekicking and to respect the community guidelines. Enjoy your time on Phantom Forces, and happy gaming!