California-based company Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has unveiled the final result of what they have been working on for years. Named as “Quintero One”, it is a full-scale passenger pod to be used in the Hyperloop for the superfast transportation. The 5-ton pod is 32 meters long with the 15 meters long cabin inside.
To be able to withstand the ultra-high pressure and super fast speed, the company has developed a special material by itself to create the skin of the capsule. It has named the woven material Vibranium, which is eight times stronger than aluminum and 10 times stronger than steel alternatives.
The transportation technology was first visioned by Elon Musk in 2013 and he, in fact, named it Hyperloop. Several companies jumped into the development of the technology separately and out of them all, HyperloopTT seems to have gone the quickest.
The co-founder and CEO of HyperloopTT, Dirk Ahlborn, said “The creation of this capsule represents over a year-long journey of the best expertise in design, engineering, and the development of cutting-edge materials. In just five years we have solved and improved upon all of the technology needed for Hyperloop with our new levitation system, vacuum pumps, batteries, and smart composites. This capsule will be a part of one of the most efficient transportation systems ever made.”
The pod was unveiled in southern Spain by where HyperloopTT’s manufacturing partner company called Artificial is based. The company s known for taking big contracts from aeroplane giants like Boeing and Airbus. HTT will now send the pod to its European headquarters in France, where the company has already started building the test track for the tube.
Though the final testing on the track is yet to be done, the company is confident about it the transportation system being “optimized and ready for passengers” in 2019.
Source: Hyperloop TT