Apple has finally fixed the issue of charging the new iPhone XS/XS Max smartphones. Yesterday, the company officials released iOS 12.0.1 update, which comes with improvements and bug fixes for iPads and iPhones.
The main highlight of the latest update is the bug fix for charging. Many users who bought the new iPhone XS had complained that their phones are not getting charged when they are kept on the sleep mode.
Some users, on the other hand, reported that they had to plug the charger again in order to charge their phones. As of now, the company has neither acknowledged nor commented on the issue.
Apple’s iOS 12.0.1 update “fixes an issue where some iPhone XS devices did not immediately charge when connected to a Lightning cable,” reads the latest
Apart from the charging problem, the latest version has also fixed the issue with the Wi-Fi. The update now has resolved the problem which caused the iPhone XS to rejoin a Wi-Fi network.
Some of the other updates are:
• Resolves a problem where subtitles may not appear in some of the videos applications.
• Fixes the Bluetooth unavailability issue.
• Has restored the original position of the iPad keyboard.
As of now, the company is preparing for the iOS 12.0 update which is going to come up with new features like dual SIM support and group FaceTime.
Picture Credits: iDownloadBlog