opens gifts through iTunes and Apple․com
28 August, 2018
Apple declared today that it is making a gift to help bolster flooding alleviation endeavors in the Indian province of Kerala. As announced by Gulf News, notwithstanding its own gift, Apple is opening up gifts to clients by means of and iTunes.
In an announcement, Apple said it is “shattered” by the flooding in Kerala and that it needs to help “survivors and help the individuals who have been dislodged.” Apple itself is making a Rs7 crore [Rs70 million] – generally $1 million – gift to Mercy Corps India and the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund to help such endeavors.
Further, Apple has added gift catches to the landing page and to iTunes to urge clients to make one-time gifts to alleviation endeavors. Clients can give in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, or $200 levels and Apple says 100 percent of your gift sum goes specifically to Mercy Corps.
They stated that “We’re heartbroken by the catastrophic flooding in Kerala. Apple is donating Rs7 crore [Rs70 million] to support the life saving work Mercy Corps India and the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund are undertaking to support survivors, help those who have been displaced and rebuild homes and schools.
We have also activated a donation button on iTunes and the App Store so customers who wish to donate to Mercy Corps’ efforts can do so easily,”