As we move into this great new year of 2022, it’s important to reflect on the years that preceded it. There were jobs lost; people locked down for significant periods of time, and businesses that suffered greatly, explains Khuram Dhanani. The tech business did very well during these years, and those who were ahead of the curve followed a few key trends.
2020 and 2021 forced us to rely more heavily on tech than we ever had before. In some cases, we were introduced to new technology we never knew existed. Honestly, how many of us had heard of Zoom before the pandemic? Now that name is uttered from every mouth in every household in the Western World.
The goal of any tech company is to have your name uttered at every dinner table, at every home. From the favelas in Brazil, to the skyscrapers of Shanghai, Khuram Dhanani sees this as the most noteworthy pieces of tech to follow.
Analytics is Key
With the rise of “Big Data” and complex algorithms, we can understand tremendous amounts of data within a short amount of time. Because the world went purely online only for a significant amount of time during the pandemic, there are more people using the internet to consume than ever. It’s important to understand these trends in data with an analytical mindset.
Looking at things from a macro-perspective, with all available data, is absolutely essential.
Those that are able to handle the analytics of their business will be much farther ahead than those that cannot.
Feeling Safe is Paramount
One prevalent feature of 2022 has been Russia’s war with Ukraine. The unique part about this conflict is that although completely conventional on the ground, there is a prevalent cyber element. In fact, security experts from around the world have gathered in groups to try and come together in a rare demonstration of solidarity.
Although the everyday consumer doesn’t have the same security concerns as a nation-state, most realize that data is a precious asset that needs to be protected. Make sure that your customer’s and your business’s data is 100% secure. In fact, 11% of customers in the United States have had some sort of important data stolen from them in their lifetimes. With a strong focus on all aspects of security, you can gain trust quickly in today’s marketplace.
Covid and Tech are a Symbiotic Relationship
One thing taken from the lessons of the past two years is that tech is integral to being able to survive in a pandemic. These trends are most likely not going to change. Furthermore, we now have the ability to see what the economy is like in a pandemic-induced change. This is important because we never know when a new variant or even a completely new virus can take effect. Anything that is tech-related that needs to be in a symbiotic relationship with a pandemic stricken world.
Watch out for Service Quality
One thing definitely derived from the past couple of years is that when human beings are alone, locked down in their homes, the need for a human connection leaves a void. Any kind of human interaction can be a huge boon for someone’s day. Since the beginning of time, humans need to have affirmation and social contact, this is something that was missing during the pandemic. A great approach to customer service can be extremely important, especially in times like this.
This is why Khuram Dhanani sees the power of knowing your customer and having the customer experience be top-notch as one of the best ROI drivers, especially in the Buy Now, Pay Later industry. Try to avoid AI assistants and have a real person answer questions and give the highest quality customer service possible. Kind words and gestures cost nothing, and can result in that customer not only being a customer for life, but recommending their friends and family as well.