Kuliza Technologies is a very well know name in the Indian tech space. The company was ranked  third in 2009 and tenth in 2010 among the 50 fastest growing technology companies in India on the basis of its revenue growth. Started by Anand in 2006, the company is currently being headed by Kaushal Sarda. Like Anand, Kaushal too is a serial entrepreneur and is currently the CEO of Kuliza Technologies. In this interview with Techstory Kaushal talks about their latest platform in focus – Elevate Campaigns and their future plans for Kuliza.
So Kaushal tell us about how the idea of Elevate Campaigns Platform come about ?
Kuliza was started by Anand in 2006 when he came across a very interesting opportunity to build great products for one of the clients in the USA. Kuliza grew very fast right from the beginning and as operations achieved a certain scale, it became necessary for us to choose our focus areas and mobile and social were two very exciting areas. Especially, the way mobile and social are changing commerce space is something that was extremely exciting for us. We started off by working with venture backed startups in the US for designing applications in the web and mobile space.Nissan, BestBuy, Intuit,Titan were some of the brands we worked with. Myntra was one of the client’s we were working with for designing campaign specific social media apps for them. Although some of the apps were very successful, we started realizing  a big loophole in such kind of marketing. The breadth of customer database that Myntra had from other media was much large than Facebook. Running a Facebook only social campaign meant leaving these customers out of the campaign. A lot of traffic also started moving to mobile and Facebook apps cannot be accessed via mobile phones. Myntra wanted to know how to reach a larger audiences through campaigns.That is how the idea of Elevate Campaigns Platform was born.
Tell us more about the Elevate Campaigns Platform.
Elevate Campaign provides end to end campaign management solutions for our customers. It allows brands to create engagement with customers across multiple channels. The Elevate Campaigns Platform is like WordPress for building cross device campaigns or campaign microsites.Along with providing custom designed campaigns, the platform also allows you to leverage predefined campaign templates like Q&A, Photo Contest, Sweepstakes, etc. Â Services such as ideation, design, building, hosting & running the campaign on amazon cloud, providing data to the customers in the form of dashboards and using the data from this campaign to create the next campaign are some of the services provided by Kuliza. The platform increases campaign reach for a brand by 300% Â and improves brand engagement time by 600% on an average.
What are some of the brands that have used Elevate Campaigns Platform and how has the experience been ?
We did our first campaign with Myntra for HRX brand. This campaign saw a huge uptake in engagement time than the previous Myntra campaigns. This campaign that ran for 1 week saw about 10000 people play the game. Every person played the game 6 times on an average. This hugely increased the engagement time for the campaign.
The Digital treasure hunt campaign that we ran with Myntra was one of the most successful digital campaign ever run in India.The campaign that ran for a single day saw 1.2 million hits per day, 3.5 lakh people participated in the campaign and helped myntra gather behavioural data on 3.2 lakh people.
Van Heusen, Whirlpool, Ebay, and some leading BFSI companies are working with us to create next generation digital campaigns.
So what next for Kuliza now ?
We see that Chief Marketing Officers of large consumer facing brands across the world have a huge appetite for engaging with their customer digitally either to make their products better or creating brand awareness and engagement. Larger brands will invest a lot in creating engaging products and smarter experiences in the future. With our experience in product engineering, design and marketing we hope to partner with many such brands in the future. We also have a few more exciting products coming up in the space of making experience in the retail stores more engaging and also a few novel solutions in the IoT space.