Gamers will be able to get their hands on the Life Is Strange: Remastered Collection in February 2022. The collection will add facial and motion capture and lighting enhancements to Dontnod’s original Life Is Strange Deck Nine and the critically acclaimed prequel Storm. The collection also includes the original Life Is Strange: Storm, which uses a new engine with lighting enhancements and brand new motion capture for facial animations. You’ll also get the full game, exclusive bonus story, wavelength bundles, and outfits for $79.99 digital format and access to the Life is Strange Remastered Collection.
Life Is Strange is an episodic-type adventure game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by the EU subsidiary of Square Enix for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and PC. After Life Is Strange became a commercial and financial success developersDontnod Entertainment began to make a name within the gaming industry and publishers began to contact the studio for the first time and pursued it as hard as they could. A comic series of the same name, which takes place after the victim of Arcadia Bay at the end of Life Is Strange, will be released by Titan Comics in November 2018. In this adventure, you will follow the life of Alex Chen and his psychic abilities of empathy.
The story of Life is Strange is told from the perspective of Maxine Caulfield and Hannah Telle, Year 12 at Blackwell Academy, and is set in October 2013 at Arcadia Bay. The gameplay includes the ability of rewinding time, which put Max Caulfield in a situation of making the decision to save a life from gunshot wounds. In Life is Strange video game, aspiring photographer Max Caulfield returns to his hometown of Arcadia, California to attend the prestigious Blackwell Academy, a private school for high school students. Remastered graphics and animation paired with an incredible story will bring a new life to the game. Their story is a powerful one that has stood the test of time since the Games were first released.
The global pandemic and its decisions to relieve additional pressure have been postponed due to the current challenges but have left more time for the release of these two games. Remember that Life Is Strange Remastered, a collection from studio Deck Nine Games that was unveiled as part of the March issue of Square Enix Presents was originally expected in the fall of August, but the premiere has been pushed back to early 2022.