Ajinkya Rahane has now invested in the Mahindra Group-backed organic products startup MeraKisan. Rahane, who is the vice-chairman of the Indian Test Cricket Team, will own equity in the MeraKisan, and will also be its brand ambassador, said the announcement.
MeraKisan Pvt Ltd is an associate of the Mahindra Agri Solutions Pvt Ltd, founded in 2016. It is a prominent leader in the organic food industry, closely working with healthy organic food, organic farmers, and assuring certified.
Ashok Sharma, MD & CEO, Mahindra Agri Solutions, revealed that Rahane would hold a minority stake in the company but did not close the amount invested by the cricketer.
Rahane said: “I strongly believe that organic food contributes to overall wellness, and this partnership is significant as we share a common goal. Further, I am excited to be part of a journey that delivers sustainable prosperity for our farmers through organic farming methods”.