The Next Meta VR headset will be launching in October. The company has been working on the headset for a year and it is now coming to market. The new headset will be called the “Meta Quest Pro,” and it will come out in October of this year. It will be compatible with both iOS and Android devices. In the past, Meta has focused on developing a headset that would be compatible with a PC. But now, it is releasing its standalone VR headset.
The new headset will be called the “Meta Quest Pro,” and it will be based on Meta’s project Cambria. It is expected to be a high-end priced product. Meta is a company that aims to create a new type of virtual reality. They are launching the next iteration of their headset in October, and it will be compatible with both Windows and Mac.
Mark Zuckerberg pinned the release date of the next headset on Joe Rogan’s podcast when speaking about Meta VR’s ambition, He said the console will be shown at an upcoming Meta’s Connect conference in October. As per the pricing Zuckerberg has stated that it would be a “pretty big step above Oculus 2”. Given the recent price increases on Quest 2 to $399, we expect the price to be more than $399. Talking about the facial expression feature of the new headset he stated “When you’re on a video call, you don’t actually feel like you’re there with the person. To me, what virtual reality unlocks is that it really convinces your brain that you’re there,”.
The new product is expected to have better graphics than the old one, as well as better tracking of movement and hand gestures while in virtual reality. It also has a higher resolution display than the old one and it is lighter in weight. In addition to being lighter, the Next Meta is said to have improved optics that are said to make it more immersive than its predecessor. It is rumored to also feature a wider field of view (FOV) and a higher resolution display panel than the original.
The new Meta VR headset will also include an updated version of Meta’s hand controls which allow users to interact with virtual objects in their environment without having many issues that used to be the problems with hand controls in the past. But the main selling point of the device will be its facial expressions tracking and projecting on virtual avatars furthering Meta’s goal of a fully integrated Metaverse.