Paytm And CRED Launched Initiatives To Fight The Shortage Of Oxygen
Paytm has announced fundraisers to fight the oxygen deficiency caused by the second wave of the coronavirus. The lack of oxygen in India has led to a lack of oxygen throughout India. Paytm announced funding initiatives for its fundraising efforts to combat the third phase of the “second wave” of coronaviruses that cause oxygen deficiency. Paytm Foundation has already placed an order to import 1,000 oxygen concentrate units for hospitals and health organizations
This initiative, called Oxygen India, aims to directly help people who need oxygen. Known as “Oxygen in India,” this initiative aims to help people in need of oxygen directly from the hospital and help them with their medical needs immediately. It aims to directly help people who are dependent on oxygen and to help them directly through a free oxygen delivery service.
Fintech startup CRED has teamed up with healthcare fundraising platform Milaap to raise and distribute oxygen concentrators across the country. It has also tried to help with oxygen supplies and is working with donors from the MilAap health donation platform to procure and distribute oxygen concentrators in all countries. Finn tech startup CRED and its parent company Paytm have also partnered to help provide oxygen in India, an initiative launched by the government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. They have teamed up with health and family care and worked with hospitals and hospitals in Karnataka state, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, to heal, distribute and supply oxygen concentrators in the city of Hyderabad and other parts of Maharashtra. And start-up CRED has partnered with medical fundraising platforms such as Paytm and the Healthcare Fundraising Platform, which links up with the procurement and distribution of oxygen rationing systems around the world.
CRED members can now donate their CRED money to buy oxygen concentrators for hospitals and health organizations. Members of the CRED can now donate all CED coins to the MilAap health platform to buy oxygen concentrate in hospitals, health facilities, and organizations in India. You can also donate CRED money to buy the oxygen concentrators in the hospital or in a health organization.
Unlike Paytm, however, CRED has not given details of how much money it plans to raise or raise in the form of coins it receives from its users. Yet, like Paytm, they have offered to increase a lot of volumes by getting their money from their customers.