We all are waiting for Pubg Mobile to come back to India. And there should be no complaints from anyone’s side because it doesn’t have any Chinese ties anymore. Even after a lot of hype that the company and social media influencers created the official launch date hadn’t been leaked or announced yet. But now we fans can take a sigh of relief because reports from ZeeNews suggest that the game will be releasing in the first week of December.
Pubg Mobile India registration and launch
The official statement from Pubg that Pubg Mobile India has been officially registered has been out for quite some time now. And it was just a matter of time before the game got announced and came back on the playstore. But, the question is when? Seeing the fact that the company has been listed on the Ministry’s site with a valid ‘IN’ shows that the game is almost here. Maybe a few formalities are pending so it is taking some time.
The company’s promise of making a $100 million investment in India and the huge prize pool they are keeping for the game are all signs of a quick comeback. Plus the authorised capital of Rs 15 lakh by the foreign company has also been paid.
What changes did Pubg make to get approved by the government?
Pubg was banned under the allegation that it has security issues and shared data of Indian users with China. Even though the company tried, it’s best to convince the government about the security concerns but all in vain. So, finally Pubg Mobile cut its ties with Tencent which has the publishing rights of the game. It also partnered up with Microsoft Azure to use Indian servers and store data of Indian users locally.
And finally, the company has also set up and India office and registered as an Indian company to get unbanned. The new office will create job opportunities in the country, which is also a very positive point in favour of Pubg Mobile.
We have to wait and see how soon the “coming soon” changes to “download now” on Pubg Mobile’s site. Are you excited that about Pubg Mobile coming back to India in the 1st week of December? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you found our content informative, do like and share it with your friends.
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