Everyone has a list of favorite songs too. It’s often said, a playlist defines a person. From doing household chores to hanging out with friends, music is extremely important.
Long gone are the days, when to keep a song with you, you had to make a purchase. With internet availability almost everywhere, now you can just stream it anywhere, anytime. Now, Is there a song in your head stuck on repeat, you want to listen to it but can’t remember the name of it? Or music is playing at a party, and you really want to know which one is it? Well, all your problems are taken care of in this blog. Because the iPhone can listen to any song playing nearby and detect which one it is! Having an iPhone already offers many luxuries, one of it is- multiple song identification tools right in it.
You just have to make your phone listen to music, and it will take care of all the technicalities. Ask your phone to listen to the song and it will be all ears but with the microphone. The song data that iPhone listens to is then uploaded to a server where it matches with the known song.
Remember the Shazam app? Which could with just a single tap identify songs that were being played around you. Apple acquired Shazam for $400 million in 2018 but it’s only now that Shazam’s functionalities have come to the fore on the iPhone. Here are some easy steps to do it:
NOTE: The phone should be running on ios 14.2 or above. If not, you’ll have to update it first.
 all you need is to follow these simple steps to recognize a song with iPhone:
1.Open Settings
2.Go to Control Centre
3.Scroll down and you will see the ‘More’ option.
4.There you’ll see the option ‘Music Recognition’.
5.Tap on the green ‘+’ icon next to it.
6.Music Recognition will then be added to the Control Centre.
You’re all set now! The next time you’re listening to any music but can’t recognize it, you can use this feature easily from the Control Centre.
You can also use this feature while you’re using earphones/headphones without any problem.