Renowned author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki, issues a grave warning, predicting that the US dollar will die. Kiyosaki anticipates that the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) will introduce a gold-backed currency, dealing a fatal blow to the USD. Emphasizing the consequences, Kiyosaki highlights the massive influx of US dollars returning to the domestic market, resulting in skyrocketing inflation.
Robert Kiyosaki’s Insights: The Demise of the US Dollar, BRICS Currency Launch, and the Inflation Threat
Amidst mounting speculation, the buzz surrounding the forthcoming BRICS currency intensifies. Russian news outlet RT recently published a report indicating that the BRICS economic bloc is preparing to unveil a gold-backed currency, with an official announcement potentially scheduled during the leaders’ summit from August 22 to 24.
In a tweet shared on Tuesday, Robert Kiyosaki made a bold prediction, foreseeing the demise of the US dollar and the repatriation of trillions of USD. Kiyosaki expects that the BRICS nations will make an announcement regarding a gold-backed currency during their upcoming summit in August. Notably, the renowned author emphasized that inflation would skyrocket as a result. In light of these projections, Kiyosaki reiterated his familiar advice to investors, recommending the purchase of gold, silver, and bitcoin.
Kiyosaki’s Ongoing Warnings: BRICS Nations and the Challenge to the US Dominance
Kiyosaki’s recent warning about the BRICS nations and their potential to challenge the supremacy of the United States and its currency is not an isolated incident. In fact, this is not the first time he has expressed such concerns. Back in April, he issued a similar statement, highlighting the massive influx of “quadrillions of dollars” returning to the US and cautioning about the potential consequences, including the looming threat of hyperinflation.
For years, Kiyosaki has been a vocal advocate for investments in gold, silver, and bitcoin, particularly during periods of instability. In his latest tweet, he not only reiterated his support for these assets but also predicted that the price of Bitcoin would soar to $120,000 in the coming year. Interestingly, Kiyosaki’s forecast aligns with a revised projection by Standard Chartered, a banking giant, which recently stated that BTC could reach $50,000 this year and surge to $120,000 in 2024.
The renowned author has also shared his own predictions regarding the future prices of gold, silver, and bitcoin. In February, he confidently stated that by 2025, bitcoin would skyrocket to $500,000, gold would hit $5,000, and silver would reach $500. Kiyosaki’s unwavering belief in the potential of these assets reflects his long-standing perspective on their value as reliable and profitable investments.
Although there is widespread anticipation for the announcement of a unified BRICS currency at the upcoming August summit, the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank, commonly referred to as the BRICS Bank, clarified that the establishment of a rival currency to challenge the US dollar is a goal to be pursued in the medium to long term. He emphasized that there are no immediate plans for the formation of an alternative currency within the BRICS framework.
Robert Kiyosaki’s warning that the US dollar will die and the BRICS nations’ plan to introduce a gold-backed currency has sparked discussions about the future of the global financial landscape. While the launch of a BRICS currency remains uncertain, and no official announcements have been made, Kiyosaki’s cautionary statements highlight the shifting dynamics in the international economic arena and the need for vigilance amidst evolving monetary trends.
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