The most awaited foldable phone by Samsung is going to launch in 2019 according to a source. The details about the phone also revealed that it would be going to have a small display in the front and cameras on the back. The official name is going to have a “Galaxy X” as X is added to be the most top-notch phones these days.
Talking about the phone, the report also revealed some of the specifications: The phone is going to have a 7 inches screen, and display can be folded into two just like you fold a wallet. The report also stated that the smartphone would likely cost well over $1,500 at launch. That’s in line with a previous report, which stated it’d come in at about $1,900.
This foldable phone is said to behave as the top priority for the Samsung. If this phone is successful in the market, then full production of the phone could be ordered for the second half of 2019. Some of the other smartphone companies are also going to release foldable phones next year. Apart from Samsung, Huawei also showed some interest and is already working on the same.
It has also revealed that the South Korean electronics manufacturer is expected to launch a Bixby powered smart speaker along with the Galaxy Note 9 on 9th of August.
Picture Credits: TheNextWeb